NGC1342 Grayscale, Rod

NGC1342 Grayscale



Acquisition details



NGC1342 is an open cluster in Perseus, and is an easy target for even large scopes with small fields of view. The OC is usually referred to as the core of about 100 bright stars, most of which are shown in this image. The cluster is relatively nearby, being just under 1200 light years distant.

Colour frames are planned to complete this target, if I can get a couple clear nights without the Moon blasting away from the southern skies. This image was taken with the moon half full, which pretty much eliminated any chance of recording any of the dim background nebulosity.

Details: 12 x 300s, binned 1x1, Lum filter, camera temperature set to -25C, ambient temperature was about -10C. Some frost was observed on the objective when closing down the observatory, which may have affected one or two of the final frames.

Light frames were taken using TheSkyXPro with its Camera Add-On feature (camera, focus, filter control), and processed entirely in PixInsight.



NGC1342 Grayscale, Rod