Contains:  Solar system body or event
Moon Test Shot 01 Nov 2011, Rod

Moon Test Shot 01 Nov 2011

Moon Test Shot 01 Nov 2011, Rod

Moon Test Shot 01 Nov 2011



Acquisition details



RCX400 OTA on SB-MX Mount, first test shot of waxing Moon, 01Nov11 17:38 MDT - sky was still bright and blue, but an exposure of 0.01sec was needed to get detail of the Moon, which blackened the background. Rough focus only, no processing, just conversion from FITS to JPG.

The 10" RCX400 f/8 optics have a pretty narrow field of view - this image is of "Top-Right" quadrant of Moon, where top is "up". The big dark spot to lower right is Mare Crisium (Sea of crises). To the left of that is about half of the giant Mare Tranquillitatis (Sea of tranquility), and below Crisium is the "top" of Mare Fecunditatis (Sea of fecundity/fertility).



Moon Test Shot 01 Nov 2011, Rod