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Updated Rig Waiting For Clear Skies, Tom Hitchen

Updated Rig Waiting For Clear Skies

Updated Rig Waiting For Clear Skies, Tom Hitchen

Updated Rig Waiting For Clear Skies


I've just finished setting up some new things on my rig, including the AstroPC Pro , Black-CAT mount system and Off-Axis Guider. I mainly wanted to make it more compact overall so it's easier to travel with, as well as reduce how far down the counterweight needs to be. Also I'd rather keep my laptop inside so the Mini-PC helps both that, as well as making cable management a bit easier too.

Taken with my Samyang 135mm f/2 which I hope to be using for astrophotography again soon.



Updated Rig Waiting For Clear Skies, Tom Hitchen

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