Contains:  Solar system body or event

Epic fail - or how to miss a once in a lifetime aurora borealis event

Epic fail - or how to miss a once in a lifetime aurora borealis event



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There is more than plenty enough marvelous images from last weeks solar storm resulting in incredible aurora borealis sightings throughout North Amercia and Europe reaching as far down as the carribean.

And then there is my personal series of failures during the event:
- I had a day off being offline so I missed all of the many heads up announcements on friday
- coming home late that night I did NOT look up - just to learn Saturday I could have seen it
- skimming through my nights keograms on my brandnew allsky cam I noticed some weird clouds but did not bother
- being completey prepared the next night was not rewarded as there were no more auroras in Germany to be seen
  So when I finally realized what I had missed, hours later, I could at least look at my allsky cam video
- but painfully noticed that saving  greyscale images to save space, I did save on the wrong end :-(

Given the fact the next G5 storm might me another quarter of a century away, this might be my „missed chance in a lifetime“ :-)

So with all that in mind, enyoy my black and white video of the aurora that at least I captured.



Epic fail - or how to miss a once in a lifetime aurora borealis event, Arny

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