These are the users that follow Franklin Marek mutually.
zjc26138 Zach Coldebella 296130214
StarGale StarGale 56176257
archilac Carlos A. Archila 82273599
j_n_dubya Josh Woodward 201159241
striker06 Stéphan & Fils 161175172
Olli67 Olli67 522149123
Xenomorph VankaTa 22144131
GiorgioFerrari Giorgio Ferrari 158779779
ZlochTeam ZlochTeamAstro 179393395
ObservatorioJuPiTeR Juan Pablo (Observatorio JuPiTeR) 190713690
matthewd Matthew 101580589
geoflewis Geof Lewis 537343593
bobby_zamora Mikhail Vasilev 125141148
Space_Man_Spiff Space_Man_Spiff 13416789
dallyack Darryl Ackerman 162058 [email protected] 249651467
jimmythechicken Charles Hagen 146451714
DarkSky7 Tom Marsala 5999144