These are the users that follow mads0100 mutually.
OsservatorioMonteSanGiovanni Stefano Ricci 2368
budman1961 budman1961 1933
ross128 Phil Hosey 936216
lobo59 Larry Groom 29113
pfile pfile 220559413
Footbag Adam Jaffe 91421259
galaxy45 Jose Borrero 5473194
Hilmi Hilmi Al-Kindy 506770
Astrochuck Chuck Manges 8715960
Rino Rino 803184286
rflinn68 rflinn68 287450310
jerryyyyy Jerry Yesavage 1295477232
Gottfried Gottfried Meissner 259473542
McConkey Karl 593316
pstew Paul Stewart 26239
mikefulb mikefulb 240346340
jschr338 James Schrader 746971
erikgu Erik Guneriussen 298396404
jaddbd John D 79235133
AstroGabe Gabe Shaughnessy 254346280
davevenne Dave Venne 94242
AlBroxton AlBroxton 200419322
Madratter Madratter 241338121
rhedden rhedden 142745745
Goofi Goofi 102282258
Nebula10 Dylan Woodbrey 61154425
SergeC Serge Caballero 205245351
pdfermat pdfermat 185109130
excelsior84 Charles Ward 104204268
AstroEd AstroEd 1536
ijanik Zoltan Panik (ijanik) 104189309
StarGale StarGale 56176257
wjmobservatory WJM Observatory 738149
anismo Anis Abdul 340977360
Gotthard Gotthard Stuhm 39518286011
wanni60 Wanni 267182175
jasoncarlile JasonC 51160565
FOUNTAIN1 Glen Fountain 62119111
HenryNZ Henry Kwok 312922
rorma Robert Meixner 2271142
newastronomer Chris Kennedy 18911
sealsjc Jeremy Seals 351628
SoDakAstronomyNut SoDakAstronomyNut 63146353
Miguel_Morales Miguel Morales 32206587
Deep_Sky Daniel Nobre 25715033520
barqs Tom in NS 844
qbool John Renaud 110398409
cgome004 Christopher Gomez 267595209
SpaceHunter Orlando DeJesus 1243100
misterying Stephane Jung 40414406
starmaniac Brice Blanc 69662638
riot1013 riot1013 825268
haroldvan Van 9156
pmuller Philipp Müller 272983
Nourin Nourin 543
Nicolas_Molina Nicolas Molina 4786171
streak George Chappel 715531