Contains:  Solar system body or event
Animation of NE Limb with AR3536/37 and C1.87 Flare 1/3/2024, rigel123

Animation of NE Limb with AR3536/37 and C1.87 Flare 1/3/2024

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging
Animation of NE Limb with AR3536/37 and C1.87 Flare 1/3/2024, rigel123

Animation of NE Limb with AR3536/37 and C1.87 Flare 1/3/2024

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging



Acquisition details



Seeing wasn't ideal but hey, the sun was out and the clouds stayed away for the most part.  Watching the animation though there may have been some steam coming out of a heating vent on my neighbors house that causes a bit of variation in the brightness of the images.  Combined with the cold temps you can see the image slowly going off band a bit by the end.  Lots of minor activity but always captivating.  The animation begins at the peak of a C1.87 flare around AR3537.


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