Contains:  Solar system body or event
Active Sun with Sunspot AR3664, creator of beautiful auroras., Naiteek Vikamsey

Active Sun with Sunspot AR3664, creator of beautiful auroras.

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging
Active Sun with Sunspot AR3664, creator of beautiful auroras., Naiteek Vikamsey

Active Sun with Sunspot AR3664, creator of beautiful auroras.

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging



Acquisition details



Active Sun with Sunspot AR3664, creator of beautiful auroras.

Our mother star, the Sun, is constantly emitting fire from its surface due to the reactions occurring within it, generating a significant amount of heat. While this may seem alarming, it's this heat that maintains a livable temperature here on Earth. The Sun sits at a safe distance of 15,000,000 kilometers from us. However, this distance isn't always entirely safe. During periods of intense activity, such as solar flares, the Sun can emit powerful bursts of solar material towards Earth. These events have the potential to disrupt radio communications, endanger astronauts in space, damage satellites, and create mesmerizing displays of colorful phenomena near the polar regions, known as auroras. One such region has developed on the Sun, which spans a massive 200,000 kilometers, equivalent to 15 Earths in size. This region has been ejecting significant amounts of material towards Earth, resulting in auroras even in regions far from the poles, a rarity. The attached photo depicts that active region AR3664, showcasing various surface activities and several solar flares.
