Welcome to the Group GAS Astrophotography Interest Group · maxchess · ... · 5 · 107 · 0

maxchess 2.61
·  1 like
Welcome to the newly formed GAS Astrophotography Interest Group GAS - AIG

This group will allow GAS - AIG members to post questions and images relating to AIG meetings.
This group is moderated and only members of the group can read and post entries.
Edited ...
mcgillca 0.00
Thanks, Max - a great initiative.

Tim.Ellison 0.00
Just tried the link again and it allowed me to join the group this time. Yippee! Thanks both to you Max, and to Salvatore, for making it all work. I'm looking forward to seeing how the whole thing develops.

pilkinn 0.00
Just wanted to say hello. Been a member of GAS for many years and was chatting to Mark Draisey after last night's GAS meeting when he mentioned the GAS - AIG. Didn't know of it before so I thought I'd join in the fun.
maxchess 2.61
Welcome Neil,
By way of introduction, are you currently taking images? If so what gear do you use?

pilkinn 0.00
Hi. I've recently come back to imaging after a long gap. I recently cleared out a lot of astro stuff I'd acquired over the years which gave me the funds to buy a new mount - ZWO AM5. I sold my trusty NEQ6 mount as it was too much of a pain to lug outside whenever there was a clear night. I've also recently bought a ZWO ASIAIR Plus which has greatly speeded-up my setup time when using a SW AZ-GTi which I've been using whilst waiting for the new mount. The biggest downside to the ASIAIR is that only ZWO cameras work with it. So I sold my SX Lodestar and bought a ASI220MM Mini which I have yet to use (it only arrived on Friday, as did the AM5 mount).  I now have to swap my Atik 460EX with something else from ZWO. I'm probably going to go with a colour camera as I really have too little time to mess about with creating 4 sets of lights and flats for each object. I do however love narrowband imaging so I'm still not fully decided on the OSC camera idea.
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