Can't get my ASI 1600 MM-C working ZWO ASI1600MM/QHY163M · Bill Dally · ... · 20 · 514 · 0

billd17 0.00
My ASI-1600 arrived last week while I was traveling and I finally got some time to try it out today.

I dowloaded the lastest ASCOM drivers, the latest camera drivers and then connected to it with SGP.  I was able to control the cooler, but it refused to download any images in Frame and Focus.  I had the same problem in SharpCap - it shows lots of "dropped frames" but zero captured. - and in PHD2 - where it times out after 15s of not being able to download an image.

To make sure it wasn't a problem with the USB3.0 driver in Win 10  or VM Ware, I downloaded OaCapture and the INDI drivers and connected to the camera from MAC OS-X.  Same problem.  Lots of dropped frames but zero captured frames.

Is my camera faulty?  Or am I doing something wrong?
joelkuiper 0.00
Are you connecting through a USB hub? If so your transfer rates might be limited. The setting dialogue (accessible through SGP) has an option for USB speed, try setting it lower. Also make sure the cooler is /on/ mine looked like it was working, but after connecting it, it disabled itself due to checkbox being marked off by default.
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dvdearden 0.90
I initially had the same kinds of problems you are reporting. I could get the filter wheel to work but couldn't download anything from the camera. I have a somewhat unusual setup, but it sounds something like what you have. Here's what worked for me: I use Sequence Generator Pro under Windows 10 on a MacBook Pro running the most recent version of VMWare with MacOS Sierra. After some fumbling, some support from the ZWO users forum, and some trial and error I discovered that VMWare had to be set to USB 2.0 to enable image downloads with my configuration. The system is also sensitive to how things are cabled. Using the USB 3.0 cable that came with the camera coupled with a 20-meter USB 2.0 repeater cable (so I can run the system from my warm living room!) did the trick. I have only the camera and filter wheel on that cable; everything else (the focuser, the mount, and the guide camera) is on another USB 2.0 repeater cable. This was all in December/early January, and I think there have been driver updates since then so it's possible something is different now.
Overcast_Observatory 20.52
If you have not already done this: go to the ascom driver settings (click the wrench or go to settings on camera when hooked to sgp) and change the usb speed to 40.  If you are too hight, it can error out with download. Default used to be 40, but maybe the most recent driver changed this.
billd17 0.00
I've already set the speed to 40, and I'm not using a USB hub.  I will try to figure out how to set VM Ware to use USB 2.0, but since it also fails when I connect directly in Mac OS-X using OaCapture, I think the problem is the camera.
billd17 0.00
And the cooler is definitely working.  I'm able to get it down to -15 with an ambient of +25.
Overcast_Observatory 20.52
What version of sgp are you using?  There were a bunch of betas and even the first two recent stable releases that were having download issues with asi 1600mm cameras.

Double check the sgp download page.  I believe they have a new version from march 3 and people are reporting success.
billd17 0.00
I'm running SGP  (This is the March 3 version)

However the problem is not just with SGP.  I get the same issue with SharpCap in Windows and with OaCapture in Mac OS X.
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bvalente 1.51

i have the nearly identical setup, and had similar issues. No it's not a problem with the camera. Yes, the configuration can be tricky

The bad news for me (and possibly for you) is that i was never able to get it working properly on a Mac using Windows. I ended up getting a windows laptop and it's great now.

My experience had something to do with how the vm allocates/works with USB ports, the timing never lined up.
billd17 0.00
I'm going to get a Windows 10 laptop and try it with that.  However, I suspect I have a bad camera because it doesn't work with OaCapture running natively on the Mac.  That should work.   It has nothing to do with the VM.
bvalente 1.51
Hope it goes well. The 'doesn't download' issue is/was well documented and affected a lot of people (if you look at the zwo user forums, there are a lot of threads on it). it boils down to the USB port and timing.
Hope it goes well
billd17 0.00
I acquired a Windows 10 laptop, installed the drivers, and installed SGP, and it worked fine on the first try.  I don't  know what is wrong with my Mac, but I'm giving up on the Mac and am just going to use Windows for astrophotography from now on.
Overcast_Observatory 20.52
Glad you sorted it out!  I'm now using a computer stick on my setup and remotely accessing with a laptop from the comfort of my home.

No frozen fingers and no biting flies! (Vermont)
bvalente 1.51
Bill - par for the course for me. I spent tons of cash on trying to get the Mac to emulate windows for astro, ended up just getting new laptop too. On the plus side, windows laptops are inexpensive nowadays
Rojoyinc 0.00
yeah I got a ACER for like 459. with 3 usb 3.0 ports.  I got it with a SSD, I installed a 1g SSD in the empty slot. I also added two more dimms to get 16gb ram.   I don't thnk it's the camera either. Try another cable too. Once that came with my camera was bad.
I'm running mine remotely... My dome is about 400 ft from my warm desktop setup.  I can control everything.  BUT I need a dome rotator to keep the shutter door in the right place.
Another 1k. 
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Rojoyinc 0.00
I also change USB hubs.  My problem got worse. I pulled one USB cord (from guider camera) and put it in direct and all problems went away.  Bummer as I hate so many cables. But better than crashing.
Starminer68 2.41
Cable may be a problem, I tried to change a cable (even 2 USB, not advanced 3 USB) - no luck until I buy in the States expensive Belkin USB cable, it works perfect 
dpastern 0.00
Bill - just curious.

Can you install Windows 10 via bootcamp and boot into it, and test connectivity?   I know it' s a p.i.t.a to partition the Mac's HDD, but it's a worthwhile test.

My guess is that there's a low level driver connectivity issue via OS X, irrespective of what software you are using.

NightSkyImager 0.00
It is not your is VM Ware!
dpastern 0.00
Edward Overstreet:
It is not your mac…it is VM Ware!

VMWare has always been funny with USB.  Even with vSphere (VMWare's enterprise solution).

That's why I suggested to bypass VMWare and create a bootable Windows install using bootcamp and test.  That should eliminate the Mac and the hardware side of things.

ecit: perhaps the poster could try parallels?
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NightSkyImager 0.00
Totally agree with you on Parallels if you must stay with a MAC - I ended up buying a windows 10 laptop and my whoas for the most part vanished.  I am a die hard Mac user but must admit Windows has improved to the point I am certain of this, there is no longer an advantage  that I can see.
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