How is Everyone's Winter Imaging Going Here in the NE? Northeast Imagers · Bob J · ... · 34 · 535 · 1

FrancoisT 3.91
Hi to our neighbors in the North East of The US. I am writing from Atlantic Canada.
We have been experiencing the same stretch of cloudy and bad weather up here as well. I have imaged about a total of 24 nights from the beginning of October 2016  - 5 months. Wet, and cloudy in the fall and snowy this winter. Not a banner year!
I am looking forward the spring and hopefully clearer skies. After all spring is galaxy time with Leo, Virgo, Coma Berenices and Big Dipper coming up.
I have a couple of targets I really want to try this year.

Clear skies
Intihuatana 0.00
Lawrence E. Hazel:
That's why I moved to south Florida from Niagara Falls! Lots of clear nights down here plus lots of southern objects! 8)

In the part of South Florida where I happen to live it's been cloudy most of the winter as far able to complete only one DSO !.
Dennys_T 0.00
Its been terrible skies in the Montreal area. Had only a single usable full clear night in past 6 months, plus 2-3 sessions of less than 3 hrs.
Can't wait for my New Mexico astro expedition next October.
r3delson 0.00
Well, finally some clear skies, but they came with single digit F temps. When I was a bit younger I'd go setup and remote into the computer from indoors and get some great evenings in. Nowadays I wait for it to warm up a bit.
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Space_Oddity 0.00
Well, finally some clear skies, but they came with single digit F temps. When I was a bit younger I'd go setup and remote into the computer from indoors and get some great evenings in. Nowadays I wait for it to warm up a bit.

I agree mount really doesn't  like. 7 degrees F (nor do I) 
FrancoisT 3.91
HI all,
we finally have a stretch of a couple night of clear skies.
As far as cold weather, I love the colder temperatures as the skies are crystal clear, with very little ambient humidity to introduce murkiness.

As well, I have been imaging with a Celestron CGEM for the past 5 years in temperatures as cold as -25°C (-13°F) with little trouble. I did a hypertune on my mount about 4 years ago and replaced the factory grease with new -40°F lithium based axle grease. Works like a charm...
It is -9°C tonight (16°F) and the mount is tracking within a fraction of an arc-second.

Clear skies.
r3delson 0.00
I've had some great imaging sessions in cold weather, I was using a CGE at the time and the mounts performance was great in near zero F temps. Once setup I could go inside and control it remotely for several hours. It's surely the clearest skies of the year and CCD chips just love the cold, nice images with little noise.
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wal20 0.00
Greetings all. I just joined. I, too, am from the northeast US: Rhode Island. Can I join in the lamentations? For me it's light pollution to the north towards Providence, trees east and west and neighbor's houseglow and tree to the south. Might as well observe and image from a cave.
Having said that, I make do. I appreciate the clear nights more because they are so rare. I can make out Polaris and it seems Providence dims its lights a little in early morning. Off the cardinal directions, more of the sky is accessible - too bad objects don't move northeast to south southwest.
tphelan88 0.00
I hope everyone in this group is ready for spring after a brutal March. I'm in Maryland and thankfully didn't get walloped like y'all up in New England by all those nor'easters.

Anyway, I didn't want to make a new thread for this one question but I am looking for some advice on buying a new auto guider camera. I currently use the Orion SsagPro Mono and am looking to upgrade because it is not working properly with my new Win10 laptop. It worked on my previous laptop running Win10 but when I bought my new 2-in-1 laptop it just won't work. I'm looking at the QHY5III290C and the ZWO ASI290MC. Both are color cameras since I also do planetary imaging. The specs are nearly identical but the ZWO is $100 cheaper. Does anyone have experience with either of these cameras and could help shed some light on the comparison? Thanks a bunch!
jpoulette 1.20
Well, I just started astro-imaging this year (Jan 2023) and lo and behold New Hampshire gets 4 feet of snow in March and a record winter snowfall. C'est la vie.

All things considered - it's going quite well, now that spring is here. Of course spring brings hoards of giant blood thirsty mosquitos and black flies thicker than the 'hair on a bear'.

Shoveling my way to the telescope (17 Mar 2023)........

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