How is Everyone's Winter Imaging Going Here in the NE? Northeast Imagers · Bob J · ... · 34 · 534 · 1

Space_Oddity 0.00
Happy almost February!!! Is every one in the NE out imaging every night like I am????  NOT!!!! This has to be the longest stretch of cloudy skies I can remember in a long time. The couple of so-so clear nights since November, I always seem to have something else I must attend to. I made some equipment changes since Christmas and I just can't get the sky time in to begin proper setup!!! This weather SUCKS!

If that silly ground hog see's his shadow next week I will pull his little butt out of his hole and shoot him! 

BigScott_27 0.00
Mother nature why do you hate us here in the NE?

I have been imaging under ridiculously poor seeing conditions just to make sure my equipment still works.
Space_Oddity 0.00
I have been imaging under ridiculously poor seeing conditions just to make sure my equipment still works.

I know  exactly what you mean Scott...I go out to my dome, uncover my gear, turn on the power, cool down the camera and then I reverse the entire process and go back in the house. When I feel really frisky I open and close the dome! HAHA!
My2Stars 0.00
Same here. Have only had one day since Xmas. Tonight was clear though. But to add to the frustration of the weather, the moon and limited viewing due to houses and trees, I now have to contend with very ignorant new neighbors that have a HUGE floodlight only 20' from my scope. It's a long story...Unfortunately all these variables are taking the fun out of this as I am seriously considering selling everything.
tphelan88 0.00
This winter has been terrible! I was planning on going out with some club members to our local dark sky site and the Big Three weather sites (AccuWeather,, and Weather Underground) were all calling for mostly clear skies with excellent transparency. By 10 am it was completely overcast and windy. Hour after hour went by with no improvement and yet the forecast remained the same. By 7pm it was still mostly cloudy and windy.

In Maryland we've had the same crappy weather but it hasn't even snowed, just clouds, rain, wind, and no telescope time. Bah humbug!
Chunyu 0.00
It is horrible. This is longest stretch without clear nights. Thanks for opening this topic so that we can rant!
mkline 0.00
You know where I stand on  this subject Bob! I went outside last night after midnight and I saw some stars! Wooo Hooo!!
vgrossi 0.00
Hello Bob J, lovely rainbow. I've just joined this site , as I also have just been introduced to astrophotography. I got my first real telescope for christmas was able to get at least one photo. (fumbling thru the learning process) I was really amazed that it actually looks like what it suppose to. barely I see by your avatar you are a steeler  fan, do you live in PA ?.. I live in Grove City about 65 miles north of Pittsburgh. again great photos thank you.
Phambric21 0.00
Hello everyone It's nice to see I'm not the only one who feels this way. Here in Maryland I feel if I'm not fighting to image in between cloud cover I'm fighting against the wind.
Space_Oddity 0.00
HI Vincent,
Yes ,Huge Pittsburgh fan...(Steelers/Pens). Was in Pittsburgh last weekend to see the Pens  play the Bruins. I am from NEPA south of  Wikes-Barre.

Clear Skies,
CodyKnight 0.00
The weather has been awful down here in the lone star state as well. Last night was the first clear night in nearly two months.
Starry-Eyes 0.00
Well, we have hopefully are having some drought busting weather out west.... got a few nice nights out Yosemite way, but more weather coming in! We are all at the mercies of whatever weather gods we subscribe to, or not...
msoutham 1.20
Yes. Imaging from CT has very frustrating for a month now. I've attempted to image on 4 nights and got a total of 4 hours of data. One night I set up and got 2 x 5 minute shots before it clouded over. Looks like I may have a shot tonight and Wednesday but I'm counting on Punxsutawney Phil bringing in a clearing change on Thursday. We're counting on you Phil.
tphelan88 0.00
Well, another week looks like it's going to be another week of clouds. We'll try again the week of Feb. 20 and the next new moon.
HazelLE 0.00
That's why I moved to south Florida from Niagara Falls! Lots of clear nights down here plus lots of southern objects! 8)
Space_Oddity 0.00
Lawrence E. Hazel:
That's why I moved to south Florida from Niagara Falls! Lots of clear nights down here plus lots of southern objects!

Judson_Graham 0.00
oh yes! its absolutely terrible! havent had a clear night in weeks... and  the one i did get the seeing was so bad i actually thought there was something wrong with my scope. everything was soo fuzzy.
Ibbo 0.00
Its no better this side of the pond either.
KuriousGeorge 1.20
Pretty much the same deal in San Diego. Either clouds or moon. It was much clearer in Oct/Nov/Dec/Jan 2015-16.
mkline 0.00
Hey Bob!
It's clear out !! I'm all set up and ready to rock! There's a bit of a breeze, but not too bad down in the valley. Whatever I can get is ok with me.

Space_Oddity 0.00
Awesome Mike, I am right behind you!!! 8)
r3delson 0.00
Enough shoveling! Finally this weekend and coming week in NE is clear despite all the snow and ice on the ground. Now I have to shake this cold so I can get out and image comet 45P!

trombone76 0.00
My only escape was to sign up with Deep Sky West in New Mexico.
Since October of last year I've probably
had my own gear out in my yard only 5 times at the most and during a few of those rare occasions the
neighbor would have their security flood light beaming all throughout my backyard. Recently I think
they got the hint and disabled one of their two lights that was flooding my yard out. Knock on wood
I hope my new recently moved in neighbors now finally realize how few clear nights we have at my location
in the rain soaked Pacific Northwest of Washington State.
tphelan88 0.00
I'm so mad that this weekend is new moon weekend and it's going to be in the 70's but cloudy. I'm about to rent time on iTelescopes or something.
r3delson 0.00
Hang in there, spring is not far away, winter is ending earlier this year
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