Raspberry Pi Based Equipment - and Dithering GAS Astrophotography Interest Group · Tim Ellison · ... · 4 · 92 · 0

Tim.Ellison 0.00
Hi all,

I have been thinking about something that was said during last Monday's meeting. It came across more or less as a kind of throwaway comment. I've been thinking about it since, and feeling I perhaps should have jumped in and asked a question at the time. Can I ask it now instead please?

The comment seemed, I think, to suggest that the various devices and software assemblages which we were discussing - i.e. ASIAir, StellarMate, AstroBerry etc - don't support dithering. I wondered whether anybody could offer any guidance as to whether or not this is the case. If it is the case, is there a reason why it isn't considered to be a serious drawback? Any thoughts or info will be gratefully received (of course!).

Regards to all,

DrNigel 0.00
Hi Tim,

I don't remember hearing that comment, I can confirm that the ASIAIR does support dithering. I'll talk with Max about sending out the slide deck and you'll be able to see what the ASIAIR supports in the configuration section of the slide deck (which I didn't go through)

jonathan.shinn 0.00
Astroberry also supports dithering.
maxchess 2.61
All versions of Indi/Ekos, StellarMate, Astroberry support Dithering. What they do not support is “synchronised dithering”. This where you have two scopes/cameras  on one mount and want to make sure that they Dither in step. You have one master camera that controls the mount and dithering but it waits for the other camera to finish its exposure before dithering and then starts the imaging again together.
NINA supports synchronised dithering but have not tried it out yet. One video I saw suggests that it only works if you dither every frame. I have a RASA8 and that needs very short 20-30 sec exposures as it’s F2 and dithering every frame is excessive. I will be investigating further.
Tim.Ellison 0.00
Thanks everybody for your responses. I feel a bit stupid now! I hadn't understood what "synchronised dithering" meant. In my mind it sounded like it was about synchronising the dithers with the camera so that they don't occur mid-exposure. Of course it does mean that, but in the context of operating multiple cameras simultaneously. I hadn't realised that was what was being referred to (or how popular multi-camera setups seem to be becoming!). Apologies for being a dunce! But thank you all for putting me right and assisting with my education.

Nigel please don't worry about doing anything with the slides on my account - not necessary I don't think, now that I understand. I'm not contemplating actually using any of the discussed systems any time soon so it would probably be overkill. I'm fully occupied trying to wrangle some sense out of the stuff I am already using - if you know what I mean! But it is good to have an understanding of the things that are available and a bit of a grasp of what they do, so thank you all for what you explained to us on Monday.

All the best and happy imaging.

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