ZWO ASI 1600MM Software and Workflows ZWO ASI1600MM/QHY163M · Steve Siedentop · ... · 12 · 802 · 4

sdtopensied 0.90
Jon - Thanks for creating this group!  You and all of the other folks that bit the bullet early on with this camera are taking great images and making me reconsider a few things.

Given that this is a new camera, I think it would be infinitely helpful to the community, and to folks like me who are on the fence, if those of you who have already scaled the learning curve, either in whole or in part, to put together a set of notes on your particular image acquisition software, with a few notes about setup, and some focus on configuration and imaging plans.

I'd particularly like to see some information on MaximDL and Sequence Generator Pro.

Even if it's something as simple as a few screenshots and some comments, I think that would be helpful.

btalcox0715 0.00
I had initially used SequenceGeneratorPro, however I had a couple bouts of images refusing to download. That issue was pretty rampant with previous drivers, but apparently is fixed now. I also didn't realize I was using USB2.0, so that might have been my issue. Now I currently use APT for capture plans, and SharpCap for my GOTO alignment and framing. I might go back to SGP if I can verify using USB 3.0 doesn't cause the image download issue. I actually still use SGP, but that is to open my .fits files after APT takes them. For some reason, APT shows a really low quality version of the image, so I use SGP to properly view them.

I will say though, I went out and imaged my first night with no issues, and was able to get some really good data. Definitely a good feeling when you buy a new camera/technology. The camera is pretty straightforward and easy to operate if you've done your research
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dfussell 0.00
My setup is SGP, EQASCOM, and PHD2 on a Mac Powerbook bootcamp partition running windows 7. The ASI 1600mm is operated via USB 2.0 without a hub.

The downloading issue has cropped up a few times but I've found that it never happens if I reboot the computer before every imaging session. My experience with SGP has been very positive.
dvdearden 0.90
Is this downloading issue something that happens randomly in the middle of a run, or is it an "all or nothing" kind of issue (downloads don't work at all until you reboot, then they always work in that session)?  I've been having random download failures with my Meade DSI IIc and am considering the ASI 1600MM as a step-up replacement, but I sure don't want that problem again. I'll be running SGP on a Mac, VMWare Win 10 setup.

dfussell 0.00
It's random for me. But there are so many variables that it's hard to say if anyone else would have the same experience... VMware might be more challenging. I'm also not running the latest drivers -- not inclined to update away from a setup that's working
Spechtler 0.00
Hello to all!
My setup: Windows10 Notebook, ATP, PHD2, SW Esprit 80/400 APO with corrector, Losmandy G11 Gemini2. I bought the ASI 1600 mc cooled 3 Month ago and i am pretty happy with it. I did only long exposure frames between 300 and  600 sec. with "high dynamic" setting ( gain 0/ offset 10). The results are excellent so far. No problems with hard and software. I preffered gain 0 settings because of  little readout noise. I am right with these settings for long exposure frames? Regards from Germany. Thomas 
rjbokleman 0.00
   "I'm also not running the latest drivers – not inclined to update away from a setup that's working."

I would encourage folks to get ZWO's latest drivers at this point.  Like many folks, I experienced early teething issues with SGP and the ASCOM driver.  The base camera driver v1.3.9.29 along with the ASCOM v1.0.2.16 have been stable for me without any nasty gradients in my flats anymore either.

The ASCOM v1.0.2.13 was very, very close to perfect, but suffered from a gradient issue when taking flats, so I'd avoid that one despite it being still available for download - as I write this.

I use SGP (latest Beta though there's a newer available as of two days ago).  I mainly am using the Beta for the 'Dither every X Frames option and Ken & Company fixed an Image Statistics bug I reported - which I now love.

My setup is an ASI1600MM-Cool (I also tested and then sold an ASI1600MC-Cool as well).  XAGYL 7x36mm FW attached nearly directly to the camera without the 11m spacer.  iEQ45 Pro mount and various scopes (C8 EdgeHD, SW100ED Pro).  I run on Windows 10 on a Lenovo Y700 laptop w/16GB of RAM and a 1TB SSD.  I use the scope from inside the house over Cat5e connected to a USB 2.0 Hub Extender to my patio in the backyard.  If I reduce the USB speed on the ZWO driver down to 45-50 it works just fine.  I've shot 100's of frames in a night without a single download issue.

I started with the MCC and took two test images.  One of NGC 6888 and M13.  M13 was OK, but I was not pleased with NGC 6888 and wanted to pick up some OIII.

NGC 6888


I then purchased the MMC and shot two more images.

NGC 6823 / 6820 (Which I fought the gradient issue/noise due to the v1.0.2.13 ASCOM driver for my flats during processing.)

NGC 7023:  (Which was shot with the v1.0.2.16 driver and the processing was much easier.)

I decided that moving to the mono camera was the best thing I ever did.  The OSC picks up too much light pollution even with an IDAS filter and can't get you the Ha, OIII, and SII data.  Now, if you have rather dark sky conditions, I'd not shy away from the OSC, but for me in a Orange --> Red just wasn't going to work out.
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dfussell 0.00
That's really interesting -- I hadn't heard about the gradient issue when taking flats. Do you have any more information on how exactly that worked? Believe it or not I have found that I have to use pixel math in PixInsight to subtract some uniform quantity from my flats to get results.
jrista 8.84
David Fussell:
That's really interesting -- I hadn't heard about the gradient issue when taking flats. Do you have any more information on how exactly that worked? Believe it or not I have found that I have to use pixel math in PixInsight to subtract some uniform quantity from my flats to get results.

Are you calibrating each individual flat frame with either a master flat dark, or a master bias, before integrating them into a master flat? If you are not, then this is probably the reason you have to subtract an offset. The offset would be the bias offset, which would normally be corrected by flat dark or bias calibration.
dfussell 0.00
Yes, I've been through my process carefully and I really can't figure out what it is. I do everything manually (ie not batch preprocessing) -- calibrate the flats with a bias, integrate them; calibrate the lights with flats, bias, and darks (with optimize unchecked), register, integrate. I've tried flats at various mean ADUs. One thing I haven't tried is dark flats, but I don't really see that making much of a difference.

I'm making my flats with a home made light box whose light source is one of those touch-to-turn-on LED lights. Maybe there's extra signal in the flats because the flat box spectrum is different from the dark sky spectrum? It's all narrowband though so it seems like the filters should block any extra signal.
jrista 8.84
David, is there any chance you could upload some of your flats, biases, darks and a handful of lights for me to investigate? There should be an answer in the data somewhere. I can dig around and see if I can find it.
dfussell 0.00
That would be awesome, if you're interested . I will upload tonight.
thfrey 0.00
Hi, i use the 1600MM cool with and the Ascom. SGPro, PHD2 and Cartes du ciel.
I also have a gradient but use the 1.25 Filters, so i Imagine this is the reason, but next session i will Upgrade the Ascom driver, lets see if it was only the Driver.
I also had some Download problems, but they happend because a problem with a USB hub. As soon the connection of the cam is interrupted, it was no longer  possible to download  any  picture at the end of exposure time. The only possibility to get rid of the problem was to power off and on  the cam. After replacing it with a better one and lowering the USB speed to 50, i never had any issue (4 Sessions ). The Last 2 Sessions I run my KAF8300 in one SGPro Session and the asi 1600 in a second, just openend SGPro 2 times. No Problems, all runs . Both were USB3 hubs.
Did you also have the issue when you reset the cam with power off and on, the temperature jumps in a second from -20 to -5°C? Normaly i slowly heat up the Sensor to prevent any damage. If you loose power on the 1600mm-c this is a little critical, or is it only the position of the temp-probe?

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