mirrorless? DSLR/Mirrorless Imagers from the World · Wei-Hao Wang · ... · 2 · 296 · 0

whwang 11.64
Should we also allow images taken by mirrorless digital cameras to enter?
They are not DSLRs, but they are similar in many ways.
BlueJourney 0.00
Wei-Hao Wang:
Should we also allow images taken by mirrorless digital cameras to enter?They are not DSLRs, but they are similar in many ways.

I think they are also allowed... ;)
Astro-Tafelberg 3.34
Wei-Hao Wang:
Should we also allow images taken by mirrorless digital cameras to enter?They are not DSLRs, but they are similar in many ways.

Hmmm...my vote is "no". ML is not the same...they don't face the problems of mirror flip, shadowing of the mirror box, weight and size and so on.

best regards,
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