Backfocus RCC1 Newton 200/800 : test result Fast Newtonians · Joel85 · ... · 3 · 155 · 2

Joel85 1.20

Here is a post based on  my own experience  (RCC1 - UNC 200/800 FD4), can be helpfull for those who are using the same "setup" (or near)

- standard RCC1 backfocus (BF) is 91,5 mm (connected on M42 corrector/ 94,5 mm -mechanical lenght-  connected on  M48 on corrector)
- "standard" has no sens : real BF depends on F/D ratio and the same corrector will requiered different BF, depending on F/D ratio  ...
- After many (many many ...) tests, the BF RCC1 obtained on UNC 200/800 : 89,53 mm (on M42 -RCC1=optical BF) and 92,53 ( on M48 -RCC1= mecanichal lenght)

On my setup : 

- M48 connection on RCC1 
- mechanical lenght between sensor and RCC1 : 91,7 mm (74,2mm=rings + 17,5 mm asi071)
- filter : IDAS 2,5mm--> 2,5/3=0,83 mm BF (approximatly)
- total : 91,7+0,83=92,53mm

RCC1 lenght "inside" crayford : 20 mm 

Here is a the result (the small default, slightly angular stars,  is because the primary mirror was too tight, and not a BF problem. A pixinsight process was also applied on stars and made them a little  blurry+few other stack problems... hope to publish a better picture next time  )
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PEJU 0.00
·  1 like
excellent picture.
I use almost same equipment, but not used for so many DSO objects so far with reason of coma and focus changing - all issues is connected to temperature. My Orion Astrograph 8" F3.9 is changing all calibration every outdoor temp of 3-4 degrees.. 😊 That effect the RCC 1 vey much too.
I now got a new callibration laser tool who do the work easier. 
I hope for the best this incoming season
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Joel85 1.20
Joel85 1.20
Another (and last) picture , as promised  a single light 360" (histogram/debayer/colors  do not take care about noise, satellite ... -->  only stars for example  ) 

hope it will be usefull for those who (like me during a -very- long time ) are trying to find the right backfocus distance for RCC1  especially on an F/D 4 newton 

Clear Skies !
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