Connection problems with ASIAIR. ZWO ASIAIR PRO USERS · Kapil K. · ... · 7 · 345 · 0

kgamer_ro 0.90
Lately, I have been having some issues with ASIAIR. After running a few mins, it throws an error saying that guide camera and EFW are disconnected. Nothing really works from that point on. Even a simple operation like “go to home position” does not work. The whole system just hangs and is unusable and I have to really reboot it from that point on.

A couple of times, it did seem that problem went away if I use the micro drive itself for storing images and remove the external usb drive. I had to replace my usb drive as I lost the original one that came with ASIAIR.

Here is my configuration and connections to ASIAIR :
* Guide camera (ASI120 mm mini) is connected to a usb 2.0 port
* Imaging camera (ASI1600mm) is connected to a usb 3.0 port
* A new 32gb sandisk usb 3.0 drive connected to a usb 3.0 port.
* My filter wheel and ioptron cem40 mount are connected to USB ports in ASI1600mm. (Ioptron does not seem to work with ASIAIR when connected directly).
* I have Asi1600mm cooling powered from ASIAIR as well a Pegasus Astro box for dew heaters.

This problem does seem to have started happening very recently and I have had sessions before when it all worked correctly. I wonder if anyone has experienced the same thing or has any suggestions.
WAskywatcher 15.96
I think connectivity issues are mostly power issues. Too much powered by the AIR. I power mount and camera with separate supply. Dew heaters OK through the AIR and adjusted by the AIR. If the Pegasus is running all the heaters, maybe it should be powered separately too. Try disconnecting things and see what happens.
JO_FR_94 6.49
I agree : the Asiair has limited power supply. You should only provide power for cooling the camera and EAF. Works like a charm like that.
I have a separate power supply for mount (CEM70), dew heaters and Canon EOS Ra (I bought the dummy battery to avoid running off power at the middle of the night :-))
Astrobird 10.16
I don't have the same problem but my equipment is similar, so maybe my experience could help a little. 

Since the ASIair Pro provides only 4 USB slots but I need 5 (ASI294MM Pro, EFW, AEF, CEM70, and ASI120MM for guiding), I added a Pegasus USB hub. Everything worked fine with one exception: My ASIair Pro did not see the CEM70 any more.

After an extensive search for the reason I found a workaround: Before switching on power I have to disconnect my CEM70, then turn on power, and only then reconnect the CEM70 – and everything works.

Maybe it's a problem of the combination of ASIair and Pegasus and iOptron?
derickson 7.42
·  1 like
My issues began with those I/O operations to the external disk...It only got worse...

You don't say how you're powering your rig (portable battery, wall outlet, etc.), but regardless, I would try running the system minimally--no dew heaters, no filter wheel, no sandisk to see if there is a problem. I would then add things back one by one to see when/if any wonky behavior begins. The point is to eliminate the possibility that there actually is something wrong with the electronics. 

That said, I really believe it is a power issue. I had a number of similar oddities happen with my AAP. They were unexplainable and, even though I was well within the power limits, I switched over to dedicated supplies for the (1) mount, (2) dew heaters, (3) AAP and everything else. I do NOT use the flash drive. It does draw power with every I/O operation.

Hope everyone's suggestions help. Let us know how it works out!

astrograndpa 13.23
I too had connectivity issues similar as you described...for months.  I found the solution at least for my rig: CEM70G, ASI2600MM, ASI120 mini, EFW, 2 dew heaters.  ASIAIR powered by the mount; ASI2600 and 2 dew heaters powered by the ASIAIR; EFW and ASI120mini powered by USB from the ASI2600.  Even with dew heaters at 100% I have no power issues.  THE FIX:  I formatted the USB drives to exFAT.  Amazingly this simple change solved all my connectivity issues.  Hope the same for you
r.smith65585 0.00
·  1 like
Agree - every problem I have had with the AIR has been power related.  With my ZWO ASI 2600, it is critical to power it separately even if the cooler is not running (the AIR manual has this note)

Even though its not recommended, I have the best result with the SkyWatcher EQ6 powered from the AIR and but nothing else.  In AZ, we don't normally use dew heaters.
kgamer_ro 0.90
Thank you all for your responses. Really appreciate it.

I can confirm once again that when I don’t use an external usb drive, I don’t see any issues. Last night it worked fine (4+ hours run) without external USB storage drive. Previously also, I have been using it for months without any issues with the same setup and connections (but with the original USB drive that came with the box).  I lost the original drive couple weeks ago and had to replace it with one I bought on Amazon (usb 3.0/32 gb). That’s when the problem started happening.

If it is a power issue, it is definitely either exacerbated with the new USB drive or the USB drive itself is a problem somehow. That’s where I suspect some issue related to the drive might be the root cause..  

I will try formatting the usb in exFat as John suggested. If that doesn’t solve it, I will keep removing power points to their own supply. Only ASI1600mm and Pegasus pocket box for dew heaters is powered through ASIAIR at this point. My mount (cem40) is powered separately.

Ps: I power everything eventually through a Jackery 500. I have been doing that for months without any issues.
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