New to group Northeast Imagers · Bfred · ... · 3 · 46 · 0

@bogtown2019++-- 0.00
Greetings from Salem NY! Great to be able to link up with other photon collectors in the northeast.
msoutham 1.20
Welcome Bfred. You probably have more favorable darkness than many in the North East. I'm right in the 95 corridor to/from NY  in CT which can be a challenge. Clear skys.
@bogtown2019++-- 0.00
Thanks for the greeting Michael!
The Bortle Index here is listed as a 4. That being said Nov. is traditionally one of our most cloudy months. I did manage to go out last evening/this am. to do some imaging. Frosty and chilly with the air temp. at 8 deg. F when I finally finished my run at 4:30. I am fortunate to have a heated building next to my observatory. After years of sitting in my roll off observatory, dressing like the Michelin Man, and freezing , I built the  8x8 building and have the luxury of enjoying my sessions.
Living along the I95 corridor must be a challenge with all of the ambient light.
FrancoisT 3.91
Hi all,
good day from a Canadian neighbor eh?

I am an astrophotographer in New Brunswick, next door to the state of Maine. I have been imaging for about 10 years now and have had lots of exposure to both summer nuisances like blood thirsty mosquitos during the summer and freezing your fingers off in the winter waiting for my equipment  - i.e. camera, mount, guider etc... to cooperate and the software to work... 

I am imaging from an urban area in Bortle 9 skies. Pretty much limited to brightest deep sky objects and LOTS of narrowband imaging. 

Getting back into the hobby after a 3 year absence.  I had the good fortune to stumble on N.I.N.A., which is a fantastic piece of software. Steep learning curve though...

Keep your stick on the ice!
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