2 panel moon help [Solar System] Acquisition techniques · Sean Mc · ... · 5 · 88 · 0

smcx 3.01
It looks like i’ll get a few hours of clear skies tonight. I’d like to do a 2 panel moon. 

edge hd8, 0.7x, 294mm pro. 

should I try video or individual images?

what overlap? 20% -ish?

Will r, g, and b filters work since this is a mono cam?

smcx 3.01
Oh, hang on… i have an off axis guide cam. Is this going to be a problem with the asiair and am5?
Joo_Astro 1.91
Hi Sean,

Video is always better so you can get the best frames.
Overlap should be large enough so turbulences, mount drift and stacking don't result in non overlapping images.
Color filters will work, but take a lot more work and effort afterwards.
Guiding obviously doesn't work on the moon, just polar align the mount and set it to lunar tracking.

Have fun
ONikkinen 3.42
What software are you planning on stitching the mosaic together with?

Microsoft Image composite editor will work with around 20% overlap for sure. When i have done lunar mosaics i have always visually checked that there is at least one prominent crater in adjacent panels, dont have a number but i think 20% is right around there and sounds good.

If you plan on producing a monochrome image, then use only one filter. Depends on seeing what the best solution is, because different wavelengths are affected differently due to seeing. Longer, redder, wavelengths are more resistant to seeing but have the potential to not uncover all detail due to diffraction while shorter, bluer, wavelengths have the potential to be sharper but are significantly more prone to losses to seeing. In most cases though we are not close to the diffraction limit (at least in my typical 1.5-2'' seeing). If i were you i would probably use just the red filter and do a video of the longest possible duration you can manage.
smcx 3.01
Yeah i was thinking of using the microsoft program. 

I might even be real lazy and let the asiair stack the video lol.
messierman3000 4.37
Doesn't the asiair have a dedicated lunar mosaicking app? I remember something, but I'm not sure...

There is the photoshop mosaicking, but I'm not sure of it's effectivity on lunar images.
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