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If you could only image one type of target from now on, what would it be?
InterstellarMediumRare 0.00
Howdy from the American West: Big skies and clear nights. I started in AP about March 2023. I have already completely revamped my rig - mount, scope, camera and all. At age 53 I am finally doing the type of astronomy I’ve always wanted to do. 

Galaxies fascinate me the most. 

I am imaging at 400 fl for now.
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AstroTrucker 6.22
·  1 like
Hello from the heart of the Mid-West. Missouri. Skies not so big and this time of year NO clear nights! Welcome to the community! 

The folks on AB are fantastic. 

I hear you on finding your "Happy Place". At 58 I also have finally landed in mine.

Clear Skies,  Tim
InterstellarMediumRare 0.00
·  1 like
Tim Ray:
Hello from the heart of the Mid-West. Missouri. Skies not so big and this time of year NO clear nights! Welcome to the community! 

The folks on AB are fantastic. 

I hear you on finding your "Happy Place". At 58 I also have finally landed in mine.

Clear Skies,  Tim

Hey Tim! I grew up in a trailer park (pretty nice one) in NE Oklahoma and when I was 10 my parents saved up about $50 and got me my first telescope, a rickety refractor. It was from Montgomery Ward I think and I was immediately devastated when I could not see things like the pictures I saw in our World Book encyclopedias. All I could really see was the craters on the moon which was cool but got old fast. I never let them know my disappointment. 

here’s to technology!!
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