Takahashi E-130D Optic problem Takahashi Epsilon-130D · Jimbo_Nash · ... · 8 · 301 · 4

Jimbo_Nash 0.00
Screenshot 2024-01-05 at 5.55.36 PM.pngScreenshot 2024-01-05 at 5.53.30 PM.pngHello everyone, 

I have a Takahashi E-130 for about a year now. I installed a Moonlite focuser as soon as I got the scope.
After using it over the last year and posting some images I have been told that it looks like something is not right with my optics.
I spoke to another Tak owner this past weekend and he helped me ensure that collimation is good. I also sent some images to Takahashi America and they called me back today. They said that after analyzing my images that it seems the focuser that I installed is not centered correctly. He said that I have light flaring towards the right of the stars on the right side of the image and light flaring on the left side of stars that are located on the left side of the frame. He also said that the diffraction spikes are showing rainbow coloring which is a sign that something is off. He said it is a sign that each filter is requiring a different focus point and therefore creating the rainbow.
His recommendation was to send the scope to them to get aligned properly. Before I ship the scope out and pay around $500 I was hoping to maybe ask some of the experts on this website.  Thanks in advance.
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Supro 3.81
·  1 like
I generally trust the Tak America guys, but I am fairly sure that the rainbow coloring in the diffraction spikes is normal. Here's on my 160 image.png

I remember a thread where this was discussed as an artifact of the light wavelengths (I could be wrong though)
Psion 0.00
I agree, that the diffraction spikes showing rainbow colouring are normal, but you have double spikes, and the rainbow is a shift.

Snímek obrazovky 2024-01-09 v 0.55.49.png
dunk 1.81
·  1 like
I agree with Nick - I also see these colours on my images occasionally (and it’s common for different filters to be non-parfocal even if the manufacturer claims they are).

tbh, your images look good to me - esp. the 2nd one. Perhaps some odd patterns on the larger stars but that could maybe be simply fixed with a mask on the primary (which my E130 came with via the shop I purchased from).
krags711 2.41
Minor problem the photos look really good and if you didn't mention anything was wrong with focuser I don't think hardly anyone would know unless they have too much time and spent too much money on the hobby.
bigeastro 0.00

I am a novice but that right diffraction spike may be that the spider is not parallel to the ray of light.  I have a Tak 130D.  Love hate relationship with it.
ThierryBoufflet 0.00
Hello Jimbo,
I also own an E1309D since almost 4 years now. I also change the original focuser to a Moonlight. I'm really happy with this setup after having struggling with collimation and some tunnings.
Your images looks good, I can see any flares on right or left sides. If you want to see flares look at me last image NGC1999 . It's probably due to the close star on the right side of the field. It can also be a light leak on the focuser, I have to check this. But it would be surprising because I already done a lot of images with no problem.
Saying that, it would be nice to know what type of camera you use for your image, stars look a little over exposed and you need as I do install a chamfer mask.
For the spikes, I would suggest a not perfect focus point.
Normally Ron Newman do a collimation of the focuser before shipping.
I don't think spending $500 with Tak is a good idea for now.
First check the focusing, reduce exposure time to feet you camera FW and add a chamfer mask.
Clear sky Thierry
andreatax 7.90
Your focuser is very likely off-center and you need to recenter it which is normally accomplished using a sight tube or a cheshire EP. If memory serves me right you should have a marker on the secondary showing the optical center so it should relatively easy.
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