Differences between Antlia Edge 4.5nm and 3nm Pro Antlia EDGE OIII 4.5 nm 2" · Jose Mtanous · ... · 1 · 120 · 0

jmtanous 1.51

Besides the bandwidth and price is there any other difference between the 4.5 EDGE and 3nm Pro? Coatings, material, quality?

I have a 5nm Astrodon Ha Filter and I want to complete my narrowband set with Antlias, the natural choice is the 4.5nm however I don't know if the 3nm Pro filters are not just narrower but less prone to reflections.


vercastro 4.42
As far as I can tell, no. Not any functional difference. It may be more prone to halos, but I have not experienced this.
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