Merge Two sequences into One N.I.N.A. Users · Jim Thommes · ... · 5 · 155 · 0

jthommes 0.00
I have two separate sequences that are partially done (Advanced Sequencer). I would like to complete both in my next session. I would like to merge both into one sequence so that I do not have to manually change sequences in the middle of the night in order to complete them both. (They are separated in RA such that one naturally comes before the other.)   Is there a way to merge sequences in the Advanced Sequencer?

I know that in the normal sequencer you can add multiple target tabs. I also know that in the Advanced sequencer you can have multiple targets. You can even convert an existing target into a template. But that is not the same as "merging". I want to preserve history and progress that I have in an existing partially completed sequence; the template has no history or progress in it.

I also know that the plug-in "Orbuculum" is out there. But a cursory examination of its features does not contain a "merge sequence" function (to the best of my understanding).

I am using the released version 2.2 of N.I.N.A ( haven't gotten to installing 2.3 yet - I know I should). I don't know if what I am looking for is in version 2.3 - doesn't seem to be explicitly in the change log. I also haven't posted on N.I.N.A. Discord yet (mainly because I have a difficult time understanding how to use Discord).

Appreciate any help or comments.

Jim -
Edited ...
Linwood 5.76
In the advanced sequencer it is important to distinguish between sequences and templates.  The documentation is a bit weak on that.  You can combine templates, not sequences. 

A sequence is everything including state, so when saved (from the icons at the bottom of the screen) it saves everything inside, all targets, the start area, the end area, and also the current state - which lines have been run, how many exposures, etc. 

A template is a set of instructions, and does not include the start area and end area (this is more obvious if you open it up with no sequence).  Everything inside contains nested instructions, e.g. if you start empty and drag in a Deep Space Object instruction Set, you get a series of triggers, conditions and loops.  Each set like this can form a template, the option to save them is on the first line of the section.  Because you can nest these, you can save a template with one or more set of loops (etc).   You can also drag more than one template into a sequence but not nested by dragging it to the end or beginning, i.e. not nested.  

You can put as many templates into a sequence as you want.  So let's say you build a template to do one target in RGB.  Let's say you build another template to do one target in HSO.  You could start a new empty sequence, then drag each of these in one after the other, and then you could drag a target (the same or different) into each.  The result is a sequence which will run first one of these, then the other (changing between would be controlled by however you set the first to end, at a time, altitude, etc.).   The two templates you drag in could be the same, and so you could similarly do two targets. 

Templates do not contain state.  So they always started in a reset state (i.e. no lines completed). 

It is also important to note that a template without a target is saved as a template name (e.g. "One target in RGB" might be a name).  When you drag a target into a template, it renames it for the target so if saved again you get a new template containing the target .

Over time people can build up reusable libraries of templates (typically without targets in them), for different purposes, e.g. different filters, etc.  You can also use a template for non-target oriented stuff, like a setup of steps you always use (unpark, home, calibrate PHD, etc.)  You can use these latter separately, or drag them into the top of a new sequence.

A LOT of people save sequences and reuse them.  I personally think that's usually a mistake, and it is better to create templates.  If you are a programmer think subroutine (class, function, whatever your favorite term).  A program = sequence (we.. a serialized one containing state).   A subroutine = template, reusable. 

This all gets a lot more interesting in 3.x with a lot of plugins that provide really powerful features like "template by reference" (#INCLUDE from programming) making it easier to make changes across lots of templates. 

I don't know if that all helps, especially since I think the core answer to your question is "you can't merge sequences directly". 

webcubus 0.00
·  1 like
Absolutely agreed with above - I have a very basic sequence called "Empty Shell" that has my autofocus routine (which I also have as a template), runs polar alignment (another template), has a blank middle and then has my "All Done" template to warm the camera and park. I load that up and then drop in my template called "OSC", which contains all of the wait conditions (altitude, astronomical dusk), steps to center on the target, start guiding, and the image loop. I have a bunch of targets saved and drop those onto the target area in the block. Repeat for as many targets I need and adjust settings like exposure time, dither frequency, and timing as needed.

You can also save your configuration to the target, but I tend to not rely on that since I was changing the base OSC template around and always wanted to make sure I had the latest. At this point, I haven't changed the OSC template in a year, so I could just make sure to update all of the targets so I can just drag and drop them right in.

I believe I based my templates on Patriot Astro's one-shot color ones, but once you get them setup, it's trivially easy to configure a session. I have a template for flats with filter and a template for flats without a filter, and another one for RGB stars (15s exposures and a fixed count rather than looping until time).
jthommes 0.00
Linwood, wecubus,

Thanks for both for your responses and explanations.

I am pretty familiar with the use of templates in Advanced sequencer. All of my sequences are built with Templates. I only reuse saved sequences in order to complete them on later sessions (because they contain the history and progress of earlier sessions of this target).  Most of my targets are multi session acquisitions anyway and thus require multiple nights for complete target data.

My question was based on the situation where I have several sequences with only a little more acquisition required -  and I want to complete both in a final session. I have separate sequences with all of the tabulation of sub-frames acquired so far. Most of my acquisitions are based on  looping 'X' number of iterations with several different filters under a "smart exposure" format - so the saved sequence also has all of the looping progress so far. Loops are sually grouping filters by broad band (LRGB) or by narrow band.

If I want to finish two almost finished sequences, I can either create a new sequence manually (using my templates) and re-entering that which needs to be completed for both targets (error prone) - and losing all progress and  tabulation by filter. This alternative also disrupts the image numbering by staring over giving a name <ImageName_0000(1), _0001(1), _0002(1), etc.....>.    Or I can run one sequence to finish that sequence  (with full progress and tabulation); then set a timer (best guess) to wake me up when about done; and then manually load the second sequence to finish the second sequence up. The later seems to be at odds with the whole N.I.N.A. concept associated with the advanced programmer and getting a good night's sleep.

Linwood has said that he thinks that the answer to my question is that "you can't merge sequences". (thanks for that answer). Both alternatives have disadvantages,  but I would prefer to create a new sequence if there was a way to edit in progress and tabulation for the looping groups. I suppose the answer to that is "you can't do that either". If it is true I can't do that, I will likely continue to use existing partially completed and saved sequences one at a time with a wake up alarm for the next saved sequence.

I was hoping there was some kind of scripting to start a second sequence  when the first one finishes.

Thanks again for your responses!

Jim -
Linwood 5.76
·  1 like
There are smarter people on discord if you want to ask there, but I think you can't merge sequences.  You could save portions of them as templates which might get you 90% there.
jthommes 0.00
Thanks Linwood,
I have checked around a bit more. You can't merge sequences - period.

What I should do if I can plan ahead well enough, is to put multiple targets into a sequence with the expectation that they might be near term multiple overlapping  target acquisitions. There is really no penalty for doing this. If a particular night or moon circumstance suggests, I could just turn off  any targets as needed. When a target completes, I can delete it off the sequence. I can also add one that may be just starting. This way, I would keep a running sequence, add targets and templates when needed. Perhaps save the sequence under different names as the season progresses. I think Orbuculum could be helpful is managing such sequences from session to session.

Also, I am seeing on the internet explanations of a new plug-in called  "Target Scheduler" It looks pretty interesting  in that it allows a "pseudo" merging of  "sequences". It really doesn't really merge separate sequences, but it keeps target history and progress in a database which is used to conveniently build a session sequence from  the data base including progress. It does a number of other convenient things. It is currently available only for use with the nightly build betas (3.x). I am the type who uses released versions of a software. But I will keep my eye on it.
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