Greetings from Mill Bay BC Canada Introduce yourself! · Jim Drummond · ... · 1 · 72 · 1

JDinBC 0.00
Hello fellow nerds... As the title says, I hail from the great Canadian west coast and have finally decided to join Astrobin and share some of my images and experiences. I've loved astronomy since I was a child, and about 10 years ago started to get quite interested in astrophotography. When the pandemic hit and I had a lot of "home time" I bought a mount and some other gear and plunged in head first, quickly becoming addicted even if I had more failures than successes. I poured over any forums and instructional videos I could find and started to slowly get some results. Imaging was a steep enough learning curve, but the real pain was our weather on the west coast and the time it took to set up and tear down between storm systems!

When I had to return to work, staying up all night was no longer an option so the imaging time dwindled significantly, but the itch was always there, along with the desire to have different rigs for different targets. I knew this was an interest that I could enjoy for a lifetime, so I took another major step, I started planning and collecting things to build my own observatory so I could leave things set up and maximize the limited imaging time that I had. As it worked out, I changed jobs and had to work out of town, so making it remotely operable needed to be integrated into the plan. It's now been up and running for a little over a year, and that whole process has been another completely amazing journey frought with frustration and failures of new kinds, but I managed to persevere and am very proud of what I am able to do. I can image while I sleep from anywhere I have internet access!

I managed to scoop a terrific deal on a used Paramount MYT, (another whole learning curve!), and the scope collection to perch upon it sits as follows;

1. Explore Scientific 127 Essential Series APO refractor - this has been sitting imaging most clear nights for a year now
2. Explore Scientific ED80CF APO refractor
3. Celestron EdgeHD 8"
4. GSO 10"RC Carbon Fiber
5. Meade 8" Schmidt Newtonian

That - along with all the accessories such as focus motors, flat field panels, flatteners, filter wheels, cameras etc etc etc have seriously delayed my retirement date! Thing is - I'll have lots to keep me occupied when I do retire.

I look forward to connecting with this community and learning from any and all of you, along with sharing some of my successes and follies.

Thank you all in advance for all the inspiration you've already given me - I hope now that I've been through some of this that I can contribute and give back.

Cheers and clear skies to all - Jim.

TamRich1874 6.68
Welcome to the family Jim here at Astrobin.
 Looking forward to seeing more your images.
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