Contains:  Northern lights
May 10's Geomagnetic storm - rays from Arcturus, HR_Maurer

May 10's Geomagnetic storm - rays from Arcturus

May 10's Geomagnetic storm - rays from Arcturus, HR_Maurer

May 10's Geomagnetic storm - rays from Arcturus



Acquisition details



This image has been captured from central Germany, 55°N, at May 11, 2024 00:55 local time.
In UTC this is 22:55 (but still May 10).
The bright star in the image center is Arcturus, in the top you can find part of the big dipper, with Alcor and Mizar being easy to identify at 1/3 from the right. Just below the green blob on the right you can find Spica, standing about 25° above the southern horizon. At the bottom left, you can see the constellation Scorprion, and the RAGDA (Red Arc with Green Diffuse Aurora) nearly touches it.

Some years ago, i learned, that if you're far north - like in northern Norway - Northern Lights can also appear in your south.
Observing Aurorae this far south, from Germany, really stuns me!
