Contains:  Solar system body or event
Moon 66% - 6 panel mosaic - 20220710, Wouter Cazaux

Moon 66% - 6 panel mosaic - 20220710

Moon 66% - 6 panel mosaic - 20220710, Wouter Cazaux

Moon 66% - 6 panel mosaic - 20220710



Acquisition details



Moon 66% - 6 panel mosaic - 20220710

In parallel to my run on the moon to capture the sequence of my previous images with the TS94 scope, I also wanted to create a new mosaic image of the moon with my TS140 scope. Last time, I used a red filter, this time a green filter was applied. I get the impression that the red filter gives a bit more contrast, bringing out the detail a little better. With panels at 720p, through various drizzle and up-scaling techniques, I ended up with a 9k x 9k image, hope the number of pixels is worth the detail they should show (although, I had to downscale it again to get it uploaded). With its 66% phase, the image shows the Copernicus crater quite nicely in fine detail.

However, compared to my previous mosiac of the half moon, compiling this mosaic did present a lot more challenges. The panels of the  illuminated first half were so bright, compared to the faint outflow into the dark night-side, that the merge tended to tone down this edge in such a way that all faint detail would’ve been lost. I applied a couple of masking techniques to counter this, to preserve the faint edge near the night-side and avoid overblowing the sun-lit day side of the moon.

I think I’ve achieved a reasonable blend, without skewing the overall luminosity too much. Happy with the result I’ve achieved and the new learning gained …

TS140, ASI2600MM
Green filter, 720p, -3ms, gain 300, 2m30 video, approx 2800 frames each, 50% stacked, 6 panels
AutoStakkert (drizzle 1.5), PixInsight (stretch, upscale 2x), Registax, PixInsight (multiLineairTransformation, Masking, Histogram), Adobe Lightroom (PhotoMerge),
20220710 00:20cedt

Processing the moon does present itself with a different set of challenges compared to faint nebula. No surprises … 😉

Clear Skies everybody! 🤩✨🔭

Follow me @astrowaut



  • Final
    Moon 66% - 6 panel mosaic - 20220710, Wouter Cazaux
  • Moon 66% - 6 panel mosaic - 20220710, Wouter Cazaux
  • Moon 66% - 6 panel mosaic - 20220710, Wouter Cazaux
  • Moon 66% - 6 panel mosaic - 20220710, Wouter Cazaux
  • Moon 66% - 6 panel mosaic - 20220710, Wouter Cazaux
  • Moon 66% - 6 panel mosaic - 20220710, Wouter Cazaux
  • Moon 66% - 6 panel mosaic - 20220710, Wouter Cazaux


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Moon 66% - 6 panel mosaic - 20220710, Wouter Cazaux