These are the users that follow John Favalessa mutually.
AstroDarkSky AstroDarkSky 87240241
barnold84 Björn 9610182
astrospaceguide Josh Jones 81161266
OlympusMons-UMONS OlympusMons-UMONS 534734
@ZeshengKang Zesheng Kang 2032153
Florin77 Keller F. 495842290
jimmythechicken Charles Hagen 156481714
adamliv Adam Livingston 4968104
Nicolarge Nick Large 327395338
DalePenkala Dale Penkala 236237174
Anderl Andi 30166348
mtpinos1 Mike Hatcher 293262
AstroCamp Thomas Hanrath 32257368
MachansKid Chris Jensen 92147149
Nicla.Camerin_Maurizio.Camerin Nicla.Camerin_Maurizio.Camerin 91348832
Xeebok Ahmed Wegdan 43341413
Astrolab Behnam Darvish 44175269
LittleGhost LittleGhost 102479369
seven6 Nathan May 011
ALTRSKY Michael Armentrout 323052
mi7sen Abdulmohsen Alreesh 50154641
KcoPalenzuela KcoPalenzuela 15289203
IrishAstro4484 IrishAstro4484 31171739
ChasingClearSkies_ Abdul Thomas Jnr 112203227
AstroCatNZ AstroCatNZ 81234232
faggio79 Andrea Faggioni 75157353
lkh0460 Kyunghoon Lim 38130114
Astro_lopithecus Astro_Lopithecus 191713
s3rg10_92 Sergio Pérez 2477226
voloire Franco Geraci (aka Voloire) 380176525
Ali+59@ Alicia Rossiter 343245118
WhooptieDo Brian Puhl 51539785
tly001 Tian Tian 32193408
JohnHen JohnHen 24399288
aidasky AidaSky 74265279
afjk Arny 141134594
jpoulette James (Jim) Poulette 342879
DonProCo DonProCo 9286208
dismalhiker John Carroll 1776257