These are the users that follow Ruben Barbosa mutually.
cdahm Christian Dahm 199180454
AstroGabe Gabe Shaughnessy 254347280
gigiastro gigiastro 227159227
GregBock Greg Bock 845139
Andolfato Rodrigo Andolfato 275477452
Javier_Fuertes Javier_Fuertes 342266209
gpinto Gerson Pinto 338356606
Wolfi2055 Wolfgang Zimmermann 432529390
koten90 Alessio Pariani 51209760
crazygame12345 crazygame12345 2212938
LexPics Alexander Voigt 229293160
rodolgo-outlook Rodolphe Goldsztejn 1276363
Schicko Schicko 339840
Flavastro Frédéric Girard 94136137
Nikolas64 Nick Axaris 853971068
erq1 erq1 98137132
rhedden rhedden 142745745
SantiRoHe Santiago Rodríguez Hernández 36262530
bladela Umberto Belladelli 6493302
Ezequiel Ezequiel 114663767
nvcchr1 Niels V. Christensen 34711723671
Lexis33 Daniel Fournier 2046354
pool187 Paolo Zampolini 44215215
sixburg Deep Sky West (Lloyd) 29311152341
TC_Fenua TC_Fenua 7098126
marziobambini Marzio Bambini 616382131
Epox Andrea Alessandrelli 5199182
nortega NelsonAstrofoto 65258667
Israel Israel Gil Andani 17220262
holzwurm Preis Alois 3439108
Astro-Toni Anton 207447860
Newton Newton Cesar Florencio 68126147
gus_ Gustavo Naharro 334936
eoliveira Eduardo Oliveira 85143112
DocMax Massimo Miniello 4278212
furlan Paulo Roberto Furlan 9565124
Giulio Giulio Ercolani 82374267
Stathis Stathis 1044122
starfall Delberson 202371295
MarkusB MarkusB 54222122
tonymacc tonymacc 48258544
coles44 Eric Coles (coles44) 10761512248
quercus vincent DUCHENE 121245477
canopo100 Fabian Rodriguez Frustaglia 409197144
SergeC Serge Caballero 205245351
mlewis mlewis 8812285
alexfis Alexandre Lopes 1094382
fotolooka Lukasz Franica 3084362
Barry-Wilson Barry Wilson 3331612568
Sammler Sammler 3282183
grsotnas Gabriel R. Santos (grsotnas) 2801107742
mbaddah Mohammed Ali Baddah 3820107
fausto.lubatti Fausto Lubatti 4797175
jaminite Jammie Thouin 1589656
Thirteen Jason Guenzel 235963396
Astrovetteman Tom Peter AKA Astrovetteman 338276292 31129134
Joostie Joostie 234175134
hironimus Annette & Holger 49228103