Gary Imm



A backyard amateur astrophotographer enjoying retirement with my wife on beautiful Lake Livingston in Onalaska, Texas, about 90 minutes north of Houston.

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Griffiths PN Catalog (Complete) A collection by Gary Imm

Planetary nebulae (PN) are wonderfully unique and beautiful objects to view and image. The first PN-focused list (to my knowledge) was developed fairly recently by Richard Griffiths in his excellent 2012 book, “Planetary Nebulae”. The Griffiths Planetary List consists of 45 non-Messier PN ranging from +82 to -24 declination. In his words, he picked these PN “to strike a balance between brightness, size and observability by concentrating on exciting and challenging nebulae that the author has personally seen in almost 40 years of examining the skies. Purposely ignored are the 4 Messier PN objects.” After the poster below, the objects are listed by their GPL number, which is also shown on the poster.

Images in this collection Parent collection:  PN Catalogs