Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Ara (Ara)  ·  Contains:  HD148660  ·  HD148690  ·  HD148828  ·  HD148851  ·  HD148921  ·  HD148922  ·  HD148937  ·  HD148954  ·  HD148974  ·  HD148987  ·  HD148988  ·  HD148989  ·  HD149018  ·  HD149054  ·  HD149077  ·  HD149098  ·  HD149099  ·  HD149189  ·  HD149190  ·  HD149207  ·  HD149208  ·  HD149279  ·  HD149296  ·  HD149297  ·  HD149298  ·  HD149315  ·  HD149398  ·  HD149399  ·  HD149400  ·  HD149426  ·  And 143 more.
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NGC 6188 Dragons of Ara 8-Panel Mosaic in Narrowband SHO Foraxx, Capturing Ancient Photons
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NGC 6188 Dragons of Ara 8-Panel Mosaic in Narrowband SHO Foraxx

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NGC 6188 Dragons of Ara 8-Panel Mosaic in Narrowband SHO Foraxx, Capturing Ancient Photons
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NGC 6188 Dragons of Ara 8-Panel Mosaic in Narrowband SHO Foraxx



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NGC 6188, also known as the Fighting Dragons of Ara, is one of my favourite objects to image. It is a colourful emission nebula located in the southern constellation Ara. It's a popular target for astrophotographers in the Southern Hemisphere due to its dramatic, dragon-like appearance. This nebula is an active star-forming region, and the newborn stellar giants carve out the incredible shapes seen in the dark cosmic dust. These stars also cause surrounding gas to glow by blasting it with streams of charged particles known as stellar winds. The nebula is estimated to be about 600 light-years across. Below the Dragons one can find NGC 6164 and NGC 6165, also known as the Dragon's Egg Nebula, a bipolar emission nebula located in the southern constellation Norma, not Ara. It is roughly 4,200 light-years away from Earth and measures about 4.2 light-years across. It is known to have been created by powerful stellar winds and energetic radiation from a massive central star, HD 148937 which is about 40 times more massive than the Sun and past its mid-life stage. The bipolar shape is likely due to the star ejecting material in two opposing lobes.



    NGC 6188 Dragons of Ara 8-Panel Mosaic in Narrowband SHO Foraxx, Capturing Ancient Photons
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    NGC 6188 Dragons of Ara 8-Panel Mosaic in Narrowband SHO Foraxx, Capturing Ancient Photons


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NGC 6188 Dragons of Ara 8-Panel Mosaic in Narrowband SHO Foraxx, Capturing Ancient Photons