Contains:  Solar system body or event
Mars rotation, Alexander

Mars rotation

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging



Acquisition details



Captured 20 videos, stacked in AS3, applied Wavelets and aligned channels in Registax.

I did not try to remove "onion rings", I don't know how to do it automatically without using an eraser in Photoshop.

Most videos consist of 10 000 to 20 000 frames but few of them only 2500-8000.

Stacked 5%, Drizzle 1.5x (scale 150%)

First Frame: 2020-09-22 22:21 UTC

Last Frame: 2020-09-22-23:36 UTC

This is my first good Mars ever. Of course I have tried to shoot it before but...

At this time, the seeing was better then average most of the time (excellent as for my enclosed balcony) and Mars was higher (45deg at my location).

Also, this Mars was the best I have seen through the eyepieces.
