Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Orion (Ori)  ·  Contains:  41 Ori A)  ·  41 Ori C  ·  41 Ori D  ·  42 Ori)  ·  43 Ori)  ·  44 Ori)  ·  Great Orion Nebula  ·  IC 420  ·  Lower Sword  ·  M 42  ·  M 43  ·  Mairan's Nebula  ·  NGC 1973  ·  NGC 1975  ·  NGC 1976  ·  NGC 1977  ·  NGC 1980  ·  NGC 1981  ·  NGC 1982  ·  Orion Nebula  ·  The star 45 Ori  ·  The star Hatysa (ι Ori  ·  The star Mizan Batil I (c Ori  ·  The star Mizan Batil II (θ2 Ori  ·  The star Trapezium (θ1 Ori A  ·  The star θ1 Ori C  ·  The star θ1 Ori D  ·  Upper Sword  ·  the Running Man Nebula
Orion Nebula Practice with narrowband filter, Hyeonseo Jung
Orion Nebula Practice with narrowband filter
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Orion Nebula Practice with narrowband filter

Orion Nebula Practice with narrowband filter, Hyeonseo Jung
Orion Nebula Practice with narrowband filter
Powered byPixInsight

Orion Nebula Practice with narrowband filter



Acquisition details



Date / Location : 2023.11.07 / Cheongdo-gun in South Korea
Telescope : Solomon Optics SDP71 (aka WO Star71)
Mount : MeowAstro UMi17 Lite & CF Tripod
Camera : ZWO ASI294MC Pro
Guide : SVBONY SV165 & ZWO ASI662MC
Filter : Optolong L-eXtreme
Software : ZWO ASIAIR Pro, Photoscape X, EPIK
Frame : Light 300s x 4 / Dark 300s x 30 / Flat 3s x 30 / DarkFlat 3s x 30

오리온 자리에 위치한 대표적인 딥스카이 천체, 오리온대성운(M42)은 겨울철의 가장 인기 있는 대상 중 하나입니다.
The Great Orion nebula (M42), the representative DSO of Orion constellation, is one of the most popular objects in winter.

해당 천체를 촬영할 때 지속된 악천후로 인해 노출 시간이 매우 짧아져, 제대로 된 결과물을 만들지 못했습니다.
Due to the persistent bad weather when shooting the object, the exposure was very short, so I couldn't produce proper results

추후 재도전이 필요해보이는 대상입니다. 해당 촬영은 대한민국의 청도군에서 진행되었습니다. 
It looks like it needs to be re-tried later. The shooting took place in Cheongdo-gun(bortle 4), South Korea.


Sky plot

Sky plot


Orion Nebula Practice with narrowband filter, Hyeonseo Jung