Heads up—Canadian Wildfires Worsening Seeing Anything goes · Dave Rust · ... · 12 · 523 · 0

Rustyd100 4.26
The Satellite showed no clouds in the United States midwest last night (May 23). As the sun set, sat. images showed a very slight veil coming down from the north, and I assumed it was high cirrus that would evaporate with the darkness.

I was wrong. My background black levels climbed all night and dim stars disappeared. My stacked image looked noisy and stars were mishapen.

I'm guessing the northern air brought smoke from the Canadian wildfires. We've seen this before in the past couple of years. It can be frustrating to encounter when trying to make beautiful images of the sky.

Not criticizing our northern friends, of course. I wish them well in extinguishing these fires to end the threat to nature, life, and property. That's what is critical.

But I'll sure enjoy the nights more the the sky clears up down here, too.
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Eteocles 1.51
Yup, other parts of the US has been affected for a couple weeks now. Here in NJ several what would have otherwise been clear nights have already been ruined.
techmizer 0.00
Smoke is supposed to lessen, and transparency (and the weather!) should be much better in the NE tomorrow night (5/25/2023).  Image while you can!
ScottBadger 7.61
Same in NH….. Last night was workable, but barely. Had to limit imaging to closer to zenith. Have lost a couple otherwise perfect nights completely…..you’d think the jet stream is bad enough on its own and wouldn’t need to team up against us!…..

Rustyd100 4.26
North_Jersey 0.00
Yup, other parts of the US has been affected for a couple weeks now. Here in NJ several what would have otherwise been clear nights have already been ruined.

Yep. i was hoping last night. but nope
ScottBadger 7.61
·  1 like
Raining now, but supposedly turning partly cloudy later, so maybe a good washing!....

jml79 3.87
·  1 like
I’ve lost 3 or 4 nights this month to the Alberta fires. It’s unusual to see it this far east (Great Lakes region) I lived on Vancouver island from 2017 to 2021 and it was an annual struggle, sometimes the smoke was so thick I had to use a towel outside and had a constant cough.
WhooptieDo 9.82
Yep, between the overcast and the thick smoke, even down here in NC, my new moon time is gone.  I've managed only a single night for most of the month, and it was still under a bit of smoke.
ImNewHere 1.20
·  1 like
I've pretty much given up imaging at home. We either have clouds or smoke or high winds. I am seriously contemplating selling off a lot of my equipment and maybe remotely hosting a few setups.
BlaineGibby 2.39
I usually only get 2-3 nights of clear skies in any given month with no moon.  All this week has been clear! But the smoke has totally ruined it 😩
Eteocles 1.51
·  1 like
Scotty Bishop:
I've pretty much given up imaging at home. We either have clouds or smoke or high winds. I am seriously contemplating selling off a lot of my equipment and maybe remotely hosting a few setups.

If I could go back in time I would limit myself to a grab-and-go setup with a fast camera lens and an affordable mount like an AM3 that I can take with me to a dark site and just get a few nights of good images per year.  Backyard setups are hardly worth the cost and effort given terrible weather, increasing LP, and now frequent forest fire smoke.
ScottBadger 7.61
I'm in northern NH and between the jet stream directly overhead, very dynamic weather patterns (don't like the weather.....wait a minute), and mountainous terrain, seeing is my biggest issue, especially during the winter. At the very best of times, fwhm's in the low 2's (arcsec) is the best I can hope for, and in the winter, 5+ is a lot more common..... There's really nothing more frustrating than a clear, calm, moonless, 14 hour winter night and the stars are so bloated I can't even platesolve.....

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