Diffraction Spikes Anything goes · Abdul Thomas Jnr · ... · 47 · 1264 · 8

Xeebok 4.77
·  1 like
Okay thank you. Much appreciated

Anytime hope it helps.
ChasingClearSkies_ 1.81
Hi guys so I did attach a fishing line across my aluminium dew shield but the star test on Arcturus is not perfect. The centre spike is off and I'm not sure what I did wrong. Please help 20230513_194335.jpg20230513_235418_Preview_Arcturus_30.0s_Bin2_183MC_gain100_20230513-235417.jpg
Xeebok 4.77
hey Adbul, 

You didn't do anything wrong. The lines gave you perfect spikes, the problem that you didn't mitigate the effect of the camera cables, that's why you have an additional spike that is misoriented .

ChasingClearSkies_ 1.81
Hi Ahmed,thanks for your reply. So what do I need to do with the camera cables to get that spike in the centre? Tie like an elastic band round the cables but spread them opposite each other?
Xeebok 4.77
Hi Ahmed,thanks for your reply. So what do I need to do with the camera cables to get that spike in the centre? Tie like an elastic band round the cables but spread them opposite each other?

The 3d model I sent you would have taken care of that. 

A DIY solution would be to :

1- get the cables straightened out and uniform to the edge of the scope, the data cable on one side and the power on the opposite one .
2- add a similar sized band across the edges of the due shield, perpendicular to the camera cables.

That should get you uniform spikes. 

ChasingClearSkies_ 1.81
Okay thanks. I didn't go with the 3D model as I wasn't sure if I will be able to use my filter drawer with it
ChasingClearSkies_ 1.81
And when you said edges of the dew shield do you mean like at the top end of it?
Xeebok 4.77
·  1 like
Okay thanks. I didn't go with the 3D model as I wasn't sure if I will be able to use my filter drawer with it


Its cool both should work with the filter drawer. But both methods will be not super convenient when changing filters, you will have to remove the dew shield in both.  But hey what ever works for you is the best option
ChasingClearSkies_ 1.81
Ahmed Wegdan:
Hi Ahmed,thanks for your reply. So what do I need to do with the camera cables to get that spike in the centre? Tie like an elastic band round the cables but spread them opposite each other?

The 3d model I sent you would have taken care of that. 

A DIY solution would be to :

1- get the cables straightened out and uniform to the edge of the scope, the data cable on one side and the power on the opposite one .
2- add a similar sized band across the edges of the due shield, perpendicular to the camera cables.

That should get you uniform spikes. 


*** Does the elastic band goes at the top end of the dew shield then?***
AstroTrucker 6.22
Just run your USB and power cables to the perimeter of the RASA from the camera at 90 degrees to each other. This will give you the classic 4 vane spikes. If you want the newer JWST 6 spike view add a 3rd cable and space them at 120 degrees to each other respectively.

CS - Tim
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Overcast_Observatory 20.52
·  1 like
Stefan Pfleger:
So spread the cables to the sides and maybe tape them as well?

It needs to be a cross pattern, just like the spider of a Newton. Tbh, why didn‘t you buy a newton XD?

Not exactly. You don't need to cross the cables. If the op had two cables and one was routed from the camera to the edge and the other was routed to the edge but 90 degrees from the other cable, that would also produce diffraction spikes like a newt. 

With a newt there are 4 vanes that support the secondary. Each of these produces its own spike, so there are 4 spikes but each vane creates a spikes that crosses through the star.  Opposing vanes produce spikes that stack, so it looks like each vane makes one of the four spikes but that's not how it works. 

You can 3d print guides to support and route the cables I imagine.
CVZ_astrophotography 2.41
I've seen people uses pieces of string to create a cross, but I think you might be able to use your cables instead
ChasingClearSkies_ 1.81
Tim Ray:
Just run your USB and power cables to the perimeter of the RASA from the camera at 90 degrees to each other. This will give you the classic 4 vane spikes. If you want the newer JWST 6 spike view add a 3rd cable and space them at 120 degrees to each other respectively.

CS - Tim

*** Okay thank you ***
ChasingClearSkies_ 1.81
Hi guys. Does this looks right? Just did it 20230515_171427.jpg
Overcast_Observatory 20.52
No. That will only create two spikes. (See my post above)

If you want 4 spikes you need to route the cables 90 degrees from each other. It looks like you have them opposite each other in this photo.
ChasingClearSkies_ 1.81
Chris White- Overcast Observatory:
No. That will only create two spikes. (See my post above)

If you want 4 spikes you need to route the cables 90 degrees from each other. It looks like you have them opposite each other in this photo.

*** Have you got a picture you can show me? Don't think I know what you meant unless I can see something similar. Thanks ***
Xeebok 4.77
·  1 like
Chris White- Overcast Observatory:
No. That will only create two spikes. (See my post above)

If you want 4 spikes you need to route the cables 90 degrees from each other. It looks like you have them opposite each other in this photo.

*** Have you got a picture you can show me? Don't think I know what you meant unless I can see something similar. Thanks ***

make them look like a right angle 
what you have will produce a uniform spike.
to get the other spike make the cables perpendicular to each other
ChasingClearSkies_ 1.81
The thing with me is if I don't see it with my eyes I won't know how to do it 😂 still don't know
Overcast_Observatory 20.52
·  1 like
The thing with me is if I don't see it with my eyes I won't know how to do it 😂 still don't know

Xeebok 4.77
Chris White- Overcast Observatory:
The thing with me is if I don't see it with my eyes I won't know how to do it 😂 still don't know


I was drawing it while I walked kudos
ChasingClearSkies_ 1.81
·  1 like
Ahmed Wegdan:
Chris White- Overcast Observatory:
The thing with me is if I don't see it with my eyes I won't know how to do it 😂 still don't know


I was drawing it while I walked kudos

*** Thank you Chris. Now I understand 😂***
cal.astro 0.00
hey Abdul, how's your fix holding up? Just came across your thread and made an account here. I'm thinking of getting the 6mm RASA model shared in this thread printed. I have had a few things 3D printed by these guys and always discuss the use case beforehand and get suggestions for materials etc. More just as an experiment really as it should be fairly cheap.
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ChasingClearSkies_ 1.81
hey Abdul, how's your fix holding up? Just came across your thread and made an account here. I'm thinking of getting the 6mm RASA model shared in this thread printed. I have had a few things 3D printed by these guys and always discuss the use case beforehand and get suggestions for materials etc. More just as an experiment really as it should be fairly cheap.

*** Hi. I just put fishing nylon string across my aluminium dew shield and works. I tape the edges. I do get an additional spike from the cables which messes it a bit. If you gi to my profile,the Coathanger Star Asterism was taken with this method***
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