Gain/Offset settings ToupTek and rebranded cameras · Tareq Abdulla · ... · 1 · 78 · 2

TareqPhoto 2.94
Hi all,

Thank you very much for posting your images from this brand of cameras, i appreciate it, and i hope i can get images with mine too, and see more and more images posted here.

So, what is the settings as Gain and Offset you settled on so far?

A. For Broadbanding in LCG and HCG modes

B. For Narrowbanding in LCG and HCG modes
GernotSchreider 4.72
·  1 like
Hi Tareq,

gain and offset setting are camera-specific and depends also on the temperature you are setting, therefore I recommend to do a sensor analysis with your camera to find out the optimal settings for your targeted usage.

I did use SharpCap Pro, which provides a sensor analysis feature for this purpose.
I have a [url=gear-popover-label=]RisingCam ATR3-1700KPA [/url]camera. Below is a sensor analysis in HCG mode at 0°C, offset 0, which I did with SharpCap.


You can set the gain values to do a fine grain analysis but you need to apply some trick in order to convince SharpCap to use these values during the analysis.
You have to enter the below script commands to add additional gain values, which are then used for the next sensor analysis run.


I operate my camera in HGC mode at 0°C with offset 0 and gain 178 for OSC imaging of deep-sky objects.

Hope this helps
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