Anyone like to join? The refractors! · Boyan Kassabov · ... · 2 · 187 · 2

b_kassabov 3.53
Hello folks.  I started a new project - NGC 5907, it's a nice  edge-on galaxy with  a beautiful hard-to-achieve stardust ring around it. So I thought double efforts could do better than one. And then I thought I could grant my data and receive somebody else's. So far I've spent 10 hours of R G B (6 hrs) and Ha channels (4 hrs), having in result this   My goal is to achieve at least 20 more hrs of luminance. The more, the better of course. I'll be very happy to receive some replies. Here's some technical information for the picture, which will be necessary, in order to reduce cropping/rescaling to minimum The scale of my picture is usually 1.07 arces/pix at focal length of 874 mmFOV around 0.5 degreesThe orientation of this particular image towards North is 0/180 degrees  (very important. because any significant difference will require severe crop of the final image) Thanks a lot. looking for a nice cooperation 
rhedden 9.48

This is a nice idea for an open collaboration.  Perhaps some Astrobin members already have data that they can contribute?  It might help to standardize the file format for sharing of data to support sharing amongst multiple users.
b_kassabov 3.53
All my raw subs are in fits format...
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