Recruitment.....22 imagers now signed up Great Red Spot (GRS) movie project · Niall MacNeill · ... · 1 · 76 · 0

macnenia 5.29
Hi Everyone,

We now have 22 imagers signed up.

I recently asked Torsten Edelmann, the author of Firecapture for permission to use the Firecapture Yahoo forum to request participation. He was supportive and I have done so yesterday, with one recruit from the UK so far. I figure most of the people who do serious planetary imaging use Firecapture and this would be a good way of finding some who don't use AstroBin.

I also need to follow up with a few imagers who have expressed interest but not joined the Forum.

Please come back to me with the contact details for anyone you think has the right capability and might like to participate.


Ethan 0.90
Great! Any list?

EDIT: Nevermind. You were just counting the people on this group! I thought there were others outside of the group too! 

Edited ...
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