First attempt at a movie....warning very rough Great Red Spot (GRS) movie project · Niall MacNeill · ... · 3 · 211 · 0

macnenia 5.29
Hi guys, I used the images you gave me, as best I could, to produce a first very rough and experimental animation. It is great that you, particularly Almir, were able to get a nice series of images in mid to late March which makes for a good sequence to see the dynamic and turbulent nature of the Jovian atmosphere. Personally I was pleased to get this from relatively ad hoc data. Unfortunately there are quite big gaps in the data, which is what we will need to rectify if we want to get a nice movie.

Please give me your feedback on this.

To get a better result, clearly we will need to be more coordinated. I will follow up with some suggestions on that front.

However, I hope you agree that this very rough exercise shows the potential.


KuriousGeorge 1.20
Very nice results! Not rough at all, BTW...
macnenia 5.29
Yes quite pleasing, but since the GRS was not always perfectly central, the planet  jumped around a bit. But importantly one can detect the movement of the clouds formations.

When we set up to do this next year, I was thinking we should just gather all the data we can, regardless of the position of the GRS and manage the images and animations within WinJUPOS. I understand you've had some experience using WinJUPOS in this manner?
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