Love this idea for this forum John! Constructive Critique Requested · Uwe Deutermann · ... · 2 · 123 · 0

It is always hard to read some criticism, and usually one avoids to write them when you see something that is not quite right. BUT ... with a place like this everybody who will post something here expects it, and that is for the critic good to know! So I will take my time here to look at every post, if it does not go ballistic 😊😊😊. And I will post as well 😊😊.
Like 3.01
I LOVE this idea too! I tremendously appreciate the civility of astrobin members, but I agree that one does not tend to criticize in case it offends somebody. However, I would love to improve my astrophotography, so I do want constructive critiques!

Also, perhaps this is also a good venue to discuss certain things, such as the use of AI, or an artistic conception of astrophotography. I have nothing against the "realistic" or "artistic" way of processing, but I have heard comment from people that do not necessarily appreciate one or the other point of view, or that field that people are not disclosing the use of those tools. I really think that those things are resolved by talking about them!
astrograndpa 13.23
Uwe, I got the idea for this group from our discussion on your image   how about that! 

Thanks Vivian, like you I want to improve.  There is such a wealth of experience and talent in this sharing community.  Their civility, etiquette and politeness is admirable indeed.  Astrobin is a great example of how social media can and should work.   -john
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