Hi folks,

Thought this might be of interest to some of you. Was just doing my annual review of AstroBin stats. I haven't posted any images in a while. So was particularly interested in how my images ranked this year.

The image Score is of particular interest to me. It provides a weighted value reflecting the number of Likes with respect to Views. This normalized value allows images with lower visibility the opportunity to rank higher in the sort. Which can be helpful in identifying relative popularity among your images, and possibly help identify areas of discipline in which you might excel, or may need to improve. This can also be helpful when curating your gallery by providing a qualitative assessment when deciding which images to keep, and which to remove from the Public Area. Note that older images may have a tendency to move down the Score rankings over time as the number of Views outpace Likes.
LikeRate = Likes / Views
Score = Likes * LikeRate

To populate this spreadsheet, I simply copied the contents of my personal gallery when viewing it in table mode.

Screenshot 2023-01-30 10.25.38.png

In general, Score values for my images appear to be slightly higher over the previous year. Although older images continue to drop in Score as the Views count continues to outpace Likes. Nothing too unexpected.

It seems planetary and solar rank the highest among my images, but they also have some of the lowest view counts.

Clear skies,

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