As AstroBin will release support for videos soon, what do you guys think about allowing "youtuber style" kind of videos? AstroBin Beta Testers · Salvatore Iovene · ... · 12 · 311 · 0

I'm talking about things like:
  • product reviews, tests, and unboxings
  • tutorials
  • opinions
  • ... etc, anything that is still relevant to astrophotography / astronomy, but is not the acquisition of an astronomical object

We have a few prominent astrophotography youtubers on AstroBin, and many of you know their channels:

@Nico Carver with
@astrobackyard with
@Bray Falls with
@Chuck's Astrophotography with
@PeterZelinka with
@autonm with
@Sascha Wyss with

and probably many more.

While on YouTube they can monetize via ads and via affiliated links to shops, only the second kind of monetization might work for them if they include links in the descriptions of their videos.

And obviously AstroBin is not YouTube, so it cannot offer the same viral discoverability potential, nor the same feature set when it comes to videos (thinks like automated captions, chapters, tags, analytics tools, etc) so I don't know if they'd be even interested in posting their videos to AstroBin too.

So I have two questions:
  • The people mentioned above, if you're reading, would you want to post your videos to AstroBin?
  • To anyone else: should we even allow them, or should we stick to videos of astronomical events (such as comets, planetary rotations, eclipses, solar flares, milky way time lapses... etc)

Thank you all for your valued opinions!
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View_into_Space 7.16
There are two aspects:

As you state correctly, there is no incentive here for YouTubers as we give up the montization. So I rather post a link in the Forums if something I publish is really on high relevance for the population here.

But much more importantly: Don't taint the waters!! No matter if pic or video, please do not allow anything else that Astrophotos / Videos to be posted here. Astrobin would lose its relevance and would just be another spam/ad filled Facebook. I perceive Astrobin as something more serious/credible and this is how is should stay. For all other media there are enough spaces outside to post it.
Die_Launische_Diva 11.14
Hello Salvatore,

In my opinion, allow only anything related to astronomical events: recordings of solar system objects, night sky time-lapses, animations of supernovae, aurora and atmospheric optics.

There are two other subject categories for which I am considering as potentially eligible: Gear (e.g, the slewing of an equatorial mount against the night sky, the opening of an observatory roof) and screen recordings demonstrating data capturing or processing.

The human presence should be none or minimal (accidental).
Gary.JONES 5.77
Hi Salvatore,
IMHO - YouTube and similar video platforms already have their place ...

Please do not allow Astrobin to become polluted and irrelevant as Facebook and LinkedIn have become.

I agree 100% with Sascha - maintain Astrobin as serious/credible.

If you open this idea to one, everyone with something to sell will want to be on it.
DarkStar 18.93
Hi Salvatore,

I am also skeptical about this idea. I think there is no need to compete with YT by rebuilding its functionality.
Moreover it brings the high risk of being drawn into copyright infringements and other legal stuff. Just consider the copy right strikes related to background music, or hidden advertisement which is not marked, daily experienced on YT. It moves AB into another level of legal responsibility.

I think, this is a too big risk compared to the benefits. I think AB, should focus on its unique features. 

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DalePenkala 15.85
Hello Salvatore,
I have to agree with pretty much everyone on this, leave YouTube type stuff to YT. They have pretty much set the standard and when I look for a video to explain or show something “whatever it is” thats where I go.
AB is Astrophotography and I would hate for it to turn into something other then that.
As for types of Astrophotography video’s go, I’m with the types that was mentioned. I’m glad @Die Launische Diva mentioned opening an observatory as this is one that I’ve wanted to upload but couldn’t. Although 3 of us are in the observatory so there are people in the video.

Thank you all, these were my thoughts too so I agree with everyone here
Gmadkat 4.44
I agree with the above as well, leave YouTube videos on YouTube!
astrofalls 7.68
I would likely only want to use the feature for things like timelapses, which would accompany astrophotos very well but wouldn’t be enough for a YouTube video alone
GalacticRAVE 6.02
youtube for youtube stuff and astrobin for astrobin stuff . Keep it seperated! Matthias
afjk 3.58
·  1 like
Astrobin is a perfect subscription based fremium platform for a highly focused target group.
Unless you can offer a better/broader set of videos, anyone would first look for videos on YT anyway.
Monetization might sound attractive, but ads swamp in a couple of nasty side effects, as eyeballs become more important than relevance.

To allow for your consumers to regain relevant content most platforms actually shift towards more subscription based models - and thats were you are already in a great sweet spot.
LookBackInTime 2.41
·  1 like
I would agree with NOT trying to include YT material.  I think these excellent YouTubers/influencers already have their platforms where they can monetize while educating.
WhooptieDo 9.82
Big fat no from me.    YouTube is a very slippery slope.  Lots of misinformation about.  90% of youtubers become infatuated with the monetization and quality goes down very quickly.   Many folks starting out in this hobby take YouTube as gospel.   Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.
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