What is the best imaging Newtonian you can recommend at a focal length of 800-1000 mm? Generic equipment discussions · Photon_Collector · ... · 32 · 1171 · 1

gnnyman 4.52
I have a Lacerta Newton with Carbon housing, fused silica main mirror - 10", f/4.5 1250mm fl - it is excellent. Lacerta is excellent, that´s my 2 pennies contribution. 

Mine - but that does not help you - is for sale. I am almost 75 and need to reduce the amount of optics, I have.. getting too much.

Anyway, if you look for a very good instrument, go for a Lacerta. If price is absolutely no issue - ASA....

AstroLux 7.33
·  1 like
Not a newt but you asked for the best so.. 

DeltaRho 350
Edited ...
andreatax 7.90
Luka Poropat:
Not a newt but you asked for the best so.. 

DeltaRho 350

It isn't a newtonian and the OP distinctly asked such optical scheme:

"If price is no problem, what Newt do you recommend at that focal length? preferably the fastest optics as I don't have too much free time."

As whether it is best (what for?) is still both a moot point and very much questionable .
TareqPhoto 2.94
Luka Poropat:
Not a newt but you asked for the best so.. 

DeltaRho 350

AstroLux 7.33
andrea tasselli:
Luka Poropat:
Not a newt but you asked for the best so.. 

DeltaRho 350

It isn't a newtonian and the OP distinctly asked such optical scheme:

"If price is no problem, what Newt do you recommend at that focal length? preferably the fastest optics as I don't have too much free time."

As whether it is best (what for?) is still both a moot point and very much questionable .

I mean I did say "not a newt", but I can say ASA 40cm F2,4 so I can please you. 
I would also say if you (OP) start your sentence with "if price is no problem" I dont think you should restrict yourself to a single optical design but thats all theory after all there is no such thing as a perfect optical design right ?!
Reg_00 8.83
If we aren't strictly sticking to newts throw the Officina Stellare RH350 into the mix. I'd take that over a Delta Rho after some of the things I've heard from folks who own one.
messierman3000 4.20
Luka Poropat:
andrea tasselli:
Luka Poropat:
Not a newt but you asked for the best so.. 

DeltaRho 350

It isn't a newtonian and the OP distinctly asked such optical scheme:

"If price is no problem, what Newt do you recommend at that focal length? preferably the fastest optics as I don't have too much free time."

As whether it is best (what for?) is still both a moot point and very much questionable .

I mean I did say "not a newt", but I can say ASA 40cm F2,4 so I can please you. 
I would also say if you (OP) start your sentence with "if price is no problem" I dont think you should restrict yourself to a single optical design but thats all theory after all there is no such thing as a perfect optical design right ?!

We don't know if the OP is looking for the perfect optical design, but we know he's looking for his own preferred optical design.

But I think I agree that if the OP said "price is no problem", why restrict himself to buying a Newt when there are other optical designs that also have spider vanes and are very fast, like the ASA RCs and Cassegrains.

Like there is this one, https://www.astrosysteme.com/en-us/products/uwf300-f1-3/; it's F/1.3, and if the OP wants something fast and price is no problem, then why not this one? I don't know if there are spider vanes, but if there isn't, then the OP could attach paracord to make diffraction spikes.

It could be that the OP is looking for something more portable, or light.

Something portable, light and fast is a Skywatcher 130PDS + Nexus CC.
HR_Maurer 2.86
I have an ASA 8" still in my cellar. My problem with this newton: The main mirror is glued to an aluminum frame, three silicon blobs. Unfortunately, glass and aluminum have very different thermal expansion coefficients. I always had issues with it, especially when it was below 0°C. Maybe the silicon isn't so flexible anymore, but the issue appeared in principle at all temperatures.
At the moment i dont use it anymore, since i got a LACERTA f/4 from Austria and im really happy with that.
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