[RCC] The Crescent Nebula in RGB HOO Requests for constructive critique · Ron Or-El · ... · 3 · 287 · 0

ronorel 0.90
Hello everyone,

I would love to hear constructive criticism on an image of the Crescent Nebula I'm working on
I got 50+ hours of data on it - 30 HOO and 20 RGB and did my best to combine the two sets with pixelmath.

I think it's ok but maybe with some of your tips, I can make it great.
andymw 11.01
·  1 like
Great image!

My only feedback would be to use Starnet++ to remove the stars after you've done a soft stretch on the whole image.  You can then stretch the nebula on its own and use pixelmath to add the stars back in.  It would just keep your stars from being overblown.

I hope that helps.
Edited ...
andreatax 7.90
I'd venture to suggest  the whole image is rather soft and suffering from mediocre tracking (stars being oblong). I'd cull as much as possible to keep only the ones with better tracking for once. Secondly the colours are rather off assuming you're attempting some kind of RGB with HOO and RGB data. The stars are overblown and you'd want to use only the L-PRO captures for the star images. I'd suggest you split the L-Extreme and L-PRO captures into their RGB components, add them separately and create the colour composite RGB/HOO image having rebalanced the RGB image using CC. Then remove the stars with starnet++ and using only the L-PRO frames recreate a pure RGB image colour balanced with PCC , remove the stars form this colour composite and copy them back in the starless image created at the previous step. Then do a non-linear stretch using a combination of HT and ArcsinhStretch.
ronorel 0.90
Thank you I appreciate it. 
I will have another go trying what you suggested.
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