The Dumbbell, Wolfgang Promper
The Dumbbell
M78 - HaLRGB with RGB stars - Mouseover for boosted details, Arun Vijay
M78 - HaLRGB with RGB stars - Mouseover for boosted details
Abell 1656, rallyho
Abell 1656
Sh2-64 and its neighbors in Serpens, Joshua Koplik
Sh2-64 and its neighbors in Serpens
NGC 2170, the Angel Nebula, RGB + Ha, Steed Yu
NGC 2170, the Angel Nebula, RGB + Ha
Gum12B (2 Panels Mosaic), Alpha Zhang
Gum12B (2 Panels Mosaic)
Gravitational attraction - NGC 3169, NGC 3166 and NGC 3165, Massimo Di Fusco
Gravitational attraction - NGC 3169, NGC 3166 and NGC 3165
M104 - The Sombrero Galaxy, Lyaphine
M104 - The Sombrero Galaxy
LoTr5 - A faint planetary with a possible "three body problem", Bill McLaughlin
LoTr5 - A faint planetary with a possible "three body problem"
NGC4725 and LoTr5, Oleksiy Govorun
NGC4725 and LoTr5
Galaxien NGC3169 - NGC3166, Franz Gruber
Galaxien NGC3169 - NGC3166
NGC 6543 "Cat's Eye", Jim Thommes
NGC 6543 "Cat's Eye"
M83 - with extended spiral arms and IFN, Ferrante Enriques
M83 - with extended spiral arms and IFN
Trifid Nebula (M20) in HA/OIII, Bill Long - Dark Matters Astrophotography
Trifid Nebula (M20) in HA/OIII
Arp 271 | An Interacting Pair in a Rich Galaxy Field, Kevin Morefield
Arp 271 | An Interacting Pair in a Rich Galaxy Field
NGC 3621 and Supernova SN2024GGI, Lyaphine
NGC 3621 and Supernova SN2024GGI
A Feast for Space Zombies - The Floating Brain (aka The Crescent Nebula, NGC6888), Logan Carpenter
A Feast for Space Zombies - The Floating Brain (aka The Crescent Nebula, NGC6888)
NGC 1549 / NGC 1553 in Dorado - DSI Team, Markus Blauensteiner
NGC 1549 / NGC 1553 in Dorado - DSI Team
Large Magellanic Cloud with Narrow Bands (SHO Palette), AstroJC (Jamie Chang)
Large Magellanic Cloud with Narrow Bands (SHO Palette)
Deep image of Kohoutek 1-14 (40h @ f/2), Sven Eklund
Deep image of Kohoutek 1-14 (40h @ f/2)
WR 134 in a custom palette, Ani Shastry
WR 134 in a custom palette
M 94 CDK14 LRGBHa, James Sokolowski
Markarian's Chain with hydrogen bridge, LRGBH, Mikhail Vasilev
Markarian's Chain with hydrogen bridge, LRGBH