Contains:  Solar system body or event
Active Region 2941 2022-02-10- SunHAlpha-90mm SM single stack, Timothy OConnor

Active Region 2941 2022-02-10- SunHAlpha-90mm SM single stack

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging
Active Region 2941 2022-02-10- SunHAlpha-90mm SM single stack, Timothy OConnor

Active Region 2941 2022-02-10- SunHAlpha-90mm SM single stack

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging



Acquisition details



This is a video of yesterday's Chromosphere from 10:11am to 12:38 EST. Imaged from Batavia Ohio under variable clouds. This is Active Region 2941. We can see a large filament/plasma prominence form and dissipate. There are between 16-20 sunspots in this group (FKI). The sunspot with the light bridge is one magnetic pole for the active region (I think positive) and the other spot is the negative pole.
SunHAlpha-90mm SM single stack
Exposure=8.2ms_Gain=51_ZWO ASI174MM
