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The Seagull nebula, jumping rooftops, and a journey into heavy light pollution, Roy Hagen

The Seagull nebula, jumping rooftops, and a journey into heavy light pollution

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The Seagull nebula, jumping rooftops, and a journey into heavy light pollution, Roy Hagen

The Seagull nebula, jumping rooftops, and a journey into heavy light pollution



Acquisition details



This huge nebula IC2177 is a very interesting target with four Sharpless nebulae Sh2-293, Sh2-293, Sh2-297 and Sh2-295 and their NGC friends, the open clusters NGC 2335, NGC23453 NGC 2345 and NGC2353.
I`ve been wondering if this object would be possible to image from my location at 60°N as it is at highest elevation at 20° at south, just above the rooftops.
From ground level seemed it to be impossible, so I moved the scope 3m up to my veranda to get a better sight.
Not so shaded from my neighbors outdoor lights and the possibility of vibrations made it to be an uncertain adventure and  the light pollution is what it is, but at least I could point the scope  over the rooftops.
I also used the the post processing as a possibility to be a better friend of the new  Gradient correction tool
Here is what I started from and perhaps if I can visit it next season I can get more hours on this one.
This is as good as it gets, for now
As for the Seagull🤯, this is actually one of the objects I have problems seeing  the likeness to the name.
I can recognize the wings, but the head is absolutely not from a seagull😂

Bilde 09.03.2024 klokken 09.59.jpeg
Before imaging 
End of imaging



  • The Seagull nebula, jumping rooftops, and a journey into heavy light pollution, Roy Hagen
  • The Seagull nebula, jumping rooftops, and a journey into heavy light pollution, Roy Hagen
  • Final
    The Seagull nebula, jumping rooftops, and a journey into heavy light pollution, Roy Hagen
  • The Seagull nebula, jumping rooftops, and a journey into heavy light pollution, Roy Hagen


Title: Color adjust

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Title: Curves adjust

Description: Curves adjust to bring out more Ha in the background and raise the black point

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Title: Starless

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The Seagull nebula, jumping rooftops, and a journey into heavy light pollution, Roy Hagen