These are the users that follow Csere Mihaly mutually.
pasantos Paulo Antonio dos Santos 622271179
ZlochTeam ZlochTeamAstro 179393395
ObservatorioJuPiTeR Juan Pablo (Observatorio JuPiTeR) 190713690
kvck kvck 1133
matthewd Matthew 101580589
astronomynut Caley 0183347
patrickgilliland Paddy Gilliland 19014281196
Faraone14 Michele Russo 713936
Nunzio Nunzio Micale 141242985
edgar111 Burkhard 919872
Patrik_Tarczi Patrik Tarczi 42137
CoFF CoFF 92556666
Greedyvibe Pieter 81929
DaveB91 Dave 6965125
phtnnz Martin Junius 201270213
daniel_leclerc Daniel Leclerc 1558171
coper Robert Koprowski (coper) 64218372
Joachim Joachim 5010176
bigoude62100 CONRATTE 254456
Astromatthi Astromatthi 55139243
hdryx hdryx 384956
Patassini Emanuele Patassini 10179528
de0s Andrei 31287495
AC1000 AC1000 463533487
MacBeard Christopher Zeus 61733
planbis_jr planbis_jr 102454
Clearskys Francesco 50235273
Csiki Tóth Horgosi Miklós 975