Hello Northeast imagers Northeast Imagers · Scott · ... · 39 · 640 · 0

My2Stars 0.00
Chris Sullivan:
That's awesome, John . Have you ever been to the DVAA star parties? I won't be able to make the next one in November, but I'm planning on attending them again in the Spring.Also - where do you do your imaging from? I mostly image from my backyard, but my view of the southern sky is rather obstructed. I'd like to find a public place nearby with a view of the south.

Sent you a PM.
mattherbik 0.00
Matt from NEPA here. LP not really a huge problem where I am. little bit of skyglow but not much. traffic not an issue (Im fairly far off the beaten path) couple of neighbors with outdoor lighting can be a problem. That and the never ending cloudy hazy humid nights.
My2Stars 0.00
Just an FYI - I had posted a couple weeks ago that my club in South Jersey had their star party postponed, due to bad weather, until 10/27-10/30. Well they just postponed opening day until Friday 10/28 due to AGAIN, bad weather.
For anyone interested you can check out the South Jersey Astronomy Club for details.

Last month,  my schedule was clear for the entire 4 days and thats exactly how many days of bad weather we had. This time, I can only do Thursday & Friday and now Thursday is rained out.

...I think I'm gonna take  up needlepoint. 
musicalengineer 0.00
Hello - I live in Westford, MA which used to be reasonably dark 25 years ago, but now it's crowded and LP is awful.  On top of that, there's a ski "hill" a few miles from my backyard and, in Winter, their giant lights wreak havoc.

Like many, I turned to Narrowband imaging because it's so hard to do deep sky in LRGB with the LP in this area - thank goodness for Narrowband!

I use "The Sky X" for all my imaging and, lately, I've been using TPOINT to polar align as accurately as possible so I can image unguided. It seems I can get away with 5-6 mins using my wide field 85mm Baby Q. We'll see how it goes as we enter Galaxy Season when I need a longer focal length instrument. I don't mind guiding, but I find I have to baby sit the auto-guider quite a bit.  I use PHD for auto-guiding.

Best regards to all,

DaveB 2.11
Rick Breen:
Hello - I live in Westford, MA which used to be reasonably dark 25 years ago, but now it's crowded and LP is awful.

Hi Rick,

I used to work in Westford, right in front of the Nashoba ski "hill". I know what you mean, that whole area exploded in the 90s. I live just southwest of Worcester, so it's grown out here as well but not nearly that bad.

franko 0.90
Hello all,

Just found this group, so I joined.  Misery loves company!

I am imaging from SE corner of Schuylkill county in PA.

Clear skies!

tphelan88 0.00
Hello all,

Fingers crossed for my first imaging session of 2017 tomorrow night! I haven't observed/imaged anything at all this year because of the awful weather on favorable moon nights. I'm going after NGC 6946 to hopefully capture the supernova there. Hope the rest of you can get some telescope time on this long weekend!
Chris-PA 3.31
Good luck! I finished my version of NGC 6946 this time last week: http://www.astrobin.com/296094/

I'm going 'down the shore' this weekend - Friday looks promising. If things work out, it'll be first light for my 80 mm refractor. I'm thinking about doing a widefield shot of the Crescent Nebula.
tphelan88 0.00
Very nice image! Is "down the shore" Ocean City NJ or MD? I'll be on MD's eastern shore when I image.
Chris-PA 3.31
Ocean City, NJ (good guess, by the way!). I've never shot with a refractor before and with being so close to the ocean, I'm a bit worried about dew and humidity. Oh well - nothing ventured, nothing gained, right?
tphelan88 0.00
haha us Marylanders say "down the shore" sometimes when referring to OCMD. Humidity does kind of suck so I always have my heating strips with me. Anywhere in MD after May 1 you can pretty much count on 75-85% humidity. If you have a breeze that usually helps to keep the dew away...just no gusts!
My2Stars 0.00
Chris Sullivan:
Ocean City, NJ (good guess, by the way!). I've never shot with a refractor before and with being so close to the ocean, I'm a bit worried about dew and humidity. Oh well - nothing ventured, nothing gained, right?
Chris, my club is doing their Public Skywatch tomorrow night at Belleplain State Forest. Only about 15 miles from OC. Your welcome to come and image there if you want. John
Chris-PA 3.31
John E.:
Chris, my club is doing their Public Skywatch tomorrow night at Belleplain State Forest. Only about 15 miles from OC. Your welcome to come and image there if you want. John

John, are there outlets there by any chance? I don't yet own a battery for my mount or camera - I just use wall warts. I'm also unsure that the mrs. would go along with that, but perhaps I could stop by for a few hours while imaging from my parents' place. How big are the crowds?
DaveK 0.00
Hello all, just now found and joined this group.  I am from northwest PA, where the sky is somewhat dark, but the clouds are somewhat permanent.

Anyone else think the past year and a half has been miserable for astrophotography around here??

Also, anyone in the group ever visit Cherry Springs State Park in northcentral PA?  Skies are excellent there.
jpbutler 0.00
Dave Keith:
Hello all, just now found and joined this group.  I am from northwest PA, where the sky is somewhat dark, but the clouds are somewhat permanent.Anyone else think the past year and a half has been miserable for astrophotography around here??

Also, anyone in the group ever visit Cherry Springs State Park in northcentral PA?  Skies are excellent there.

Hello! 🌨🌨🌨

Yah regarding the weather,  I had kind of given up imaging for awhile because it has been so miserable. started slowly back into it last month when I saw how clear it was at night for a couple of weeks. Wouldn't you know it, I got one or two  nights outside and it has been overcast ever since.

I have been to cherry springs 3 times so far and it is incredible there. 6 hour drive for me, so I don't do it too often. Plan on it this year though.

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