Topic Suggestions Required for Future Meetings GAS Astrophotography Interest Group · maxchess · ... · 4 · 81 · 0

maxchess 2.61
We  need ideas and ideally speakers to talk about a topic or challenge of interest. You don’t need to be an expert you can just set the scene and invite discussion.
Possible topics ideas:
-One Shot Colour(OSC) vs Filter wheel: The issues, Pros and Cons
-Telescope choice; Experience, Pros and Cons of Refractors, Newts, SCTs, other mirrors. One advocate per type?
-Home observatory/Fixed Piers: costs & approaches
-Exposure times: optimum exposure; total integration time
-Imaging Management Software Choice: NINA, Indi/EKOS, APT, SGP, Sharpcap, & more
-Electronically Assisted Astronomy (EAA) Live Stacking vs an eyepiece.
-Planetary imaging with Firecapture

Please suggest what you would like to hear about
Tim.Ellison 0.00

That looks to be quite a comprehensive and interesting list.

Can I suggest one possible addition, allied to the exposure times subject? Image calibration - i.e. maybe the pros and cons of different calibration methods and ways of obtaining calibration frames, and the number of frames it is worth using.

That's all I can think of just now!


mcgillca 0.00
·  1 like
One thing I've been working on is polar alignment - how close do you need to be, and what are the best tools - happy to talk about that.

Also happy to talk about the use of single board computers (like the Raspberry Pi) as your imaging computer.

jonathan.shinn 0.00
·  1 like
I’d like to learn a bit more about using PI for wide field/landscape.
jonathan.shinn 0.00
Another topic I’d like to hear about is noise reduction.

when processing I find the noise also gets ‘processed’ often making it worse. So when to apply noise reduction and what are the different types of ‘noise’ and what tools are appropriate for each kind.
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