Troubles with flats Fast Newtonians · Firas Haki · ... · 6 · 203 · 0

SilverLynx 0.00
I am wondering how you guys go round taking flats that works for you.
Since I have switched to Newtonian telescope (TS-8 ONTC f/5), flats aren't calibrating out  the dust, and has a minimal effect on flattening out the image.
I aim with SGP to reach 30K or 35k ADU with my Moravian G2-8300, using ledpanel covered with white cloth and placed on the telescope front. Telescope in zenith position.  Histogram then reaches a little over half, which worked before with a refractor. Is it essential to reach on third of the Histogram? Could that be the issue?
Any ideas?
I really don't want to through away 40 hours of material  
Chris-PA 3.31
I usually do 40% of the histogram. I keep going back and forth between using an LED tracing pad and sky flats. I used to swear by the tracing pad, but lately, sky flats have been working better for me.
CCDMike 5.02
I use flats with 33000ADU for my 294mc. But you should try with a series with 10% steps around and see which works best. This is not a big effort to take 200 more flats 😉
fornaxtwo 1.81
I use a home made light box and aim for around 50% on the historam but I'm not fussy, works well over a wide range of percentages. Not sure what your problem might be, is it something in software settings perhaps?
olivierr31 0.00
I use a manufactured flat box and leave APT doing the job with 25K ADU (+/-10%) that correspond around 2/3 histogram.
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MikeF29 11.33
·  1 like
This might sound crazy but make sure the settings in your acquisition software are exactly the same for the flats as they were for the lights.  I recently had a similar problem and discovered that in N.I.N.A, I had the offsets set differently in the flats wizard.   I changed the offset and re-did the flats and all is well.
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Joel85 1.20
·  1 like

Same as Olivier : APT 25K ADU  ( UNC 8" / ASI071 color ).  Self made flat box .  Camera & focus on same "position" on the scope (same angle than during the night)  for avoiding new dust on coma corrector (or different position of the same dust when moving  ...) , and neutralize reflexions (in case ...)
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